[Phrasal Verb] BRING BACK - Learn How to Reintroduce Old Habits with Ease

Bring back

Bring back

/ˈbrɪŋ bæk/

To reintroduce or return something.

The phrasal verb "bring back" can create a tinge of nostalgia or practicality in a conversation. When someone says, "This song brings back so many memories," the song makes them remember past times. Conversely, in a business context, when a product that was discontinued is popular among customers, the store might decide to "bring back" that product owing to its demand.

Example Sentences

  1. They want to bring back the old management style.

    They plan to reintroduce a previously used management approach.

  2. Bring back my book when you're done, please.

    He requests the return of his book after you have finished using it.

  3. They're going to bring back the classic car show next summer.

    A nostalgic event featuring vintage cars is planned for revival next year.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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