[Phrasal Verb] MAKE UP - Enhancing Creativity with Story Crafting Skills

Make up

Make up

/meɪk ʌp/

Invent a story or lie.

Make up" is a versatile phrase with several uses. One of its most frequent applications is related to inventing a story or lie, perhaps to avoid punishment or to entertain. For example, if a child comes home late, they might make up a story about why they were delayed. In a more positive light, makeup artists use cosmetics to transform appearances, indicating the creative potential of this phrasing. It’s also about reconciliation, as in making up after a disagreement, showing its role in restoring peace.

Example Sentences

  1. They often argue but always make up quickly.

    They frequently argue but reconcile quickly.

  2. He decided to make up a story to cover up his mistake.

    He chose to invent a story to hide his error.

  3. After their disagreement, they needed time to make up.

    Following their dispute, they required time to reconcile.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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