[Phrasal Verb] GIVE OUT - Enhance Your Descriptive Skills on Distribution

Give out

Give out

/ɡɪv aʊt/

To distribute something.

The action of distributing materials, whether flyers or food samples, is described using 'give out'. This phrase symbolizes a dispersal of items to others, extending its usage to include providing information. Mastering 'give out' can greatly improve how you talk about sharing and distributing in various contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. The printer started to give out halfway through the job.

    The printer started to stop working halfway through the job.

  2. The teacher gave out the test papers to the students.

    The teacher distributed the test papers to the students.

  3. By the end of the marathon, my legs completely gave out and I couldn’t move another step.

    By the end of the marathon, my legs completely failed and I couldn’t move another step.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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