[Phrasal Verb] KEEP UP - Stay Ahead: Learn How to Discuss Keeping Pace in English

Keep up

Keep up

/kip ʌp/

Maintain equal pace

To "Keep up" means to maintain an equal pace with someone or something else, ensuring you are moving or progressing at the same rate. If your friend is walking fast and you need to stay beside them, you might have to walk faster and keep up. It's also used to talk about remaining current with the latest trends or information.

Example Sentences

  1. Keep up the good work, you're doing great!

    Maintain the good work, you're doing great!

  2. It's hard to keep up with the rapid changes in technology.

    It's hard to stay updated with the rapid changes in technology.

  3. You'll have to run faster if you want to keep up with me!

    You'll have to run faster if you want to match my pace!

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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