[Phrasal Verb] KEEP OUT - Learn How to Express Prohibition Effectively in English

Keep out

Keep out

/kip aʊt/

Prevent from entering

Keep out" is used when you want to stop someone or something from entering a place. It acts as a verbal barrier. Think of a sign on a private property that says, "Keep out!" It's a direct and common way to assert boundaries or restrict access, useful in both everyday conversation and specific, security-related contexts.

Example Sentences

  1. Keep out of the garage, it's not safe in there.

    Avoid entering the garage, it's not safe in there.

  2. The lab is restricted; you need to keep out.

    The lab is restricted; you need to avoid entering.

  3. There are signs posted everywhere to keep out of the construction zone.

    There are signs posted everywhere to avoid entering the construction zone.

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