[Phrasal Verb] FALL OUT - Learn How Disagreements Affect Relationships!

Fall out

Fall out

/fɔːl aʊt/

To have a disagreement.

The phrase "fall out" is typically used when two or more people have a disagreement or dispute that strains their relationship. Imagine two friends who "fall out" over a misunderstanding during a game. It doesn't necessarily mean their friendship is over, but they might need some time to resolve their issues.

Example Sentences

  1. Teens often fall out with their parents over curfews.

    Teens often have disagreements with their parents over curfews.

  2. Close friends can fall out over trivial matters.

    Close friends can have disagreements over small matters.

  3. Their business partnership began to fall out due to differing visions of the company's future.

    Their business partnership began to deteriorate due to differing visions of the company's future.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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