[Phrasal Verb] WRITE OFF - Uncover Effective Communication Skills with Phrasal Verbs!

Write off

Write off

Consider something a loss.

To "write off" is to acknowledge that an amount of money or a debt will not be paid or recovered; it is considered a loss. This phrasal verb is often used in business and finance, like when a company decides that a debt is uncollectible and writes it off in their accounting records. It can also metaphorically apply to disregarding someone's opinions or efforts as unimportant or unsuccessful.

Example Sentences

  1. They decided to write off the debt.

    write off means to consider a debt as neither collectible nor payable

  2. The damage was so severe they had to write off the car.

    the damage was so severe that the car was considered a total loss and not worth repairing

  3. She wrote off her losses and moved on.

    she accepted her losses and decided to move forward without lingering on them

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