[Slang] FREAK OUT. - Learn How to Express Strong Emotions with "Freak Out

Freak out.

Freak out.

/friːk aʊt/

Become very excited or upset.

Freak out" means to react with extreme emotion, be it excitement, fear, or anger. This slang captures moments of intense emotional response where control is momentarily lost. It's commonly used among all age groups to describe scenarios ranging from joyous surprises to overwhelming news. By using "freak out," you can vividly express feelings in situations that are highly impactful. Whether sharing personal stories or describing a scene in a book or movie, knowing this slang enriches your narrative ability.

Example Sentences

  1. I didn't expect that news, it totally made me freak out.

    The person was very surprised and became very upset or agitated by the unexpected news.

  2. When she saw the spider, she started to freak out.

    The sight of the spider caused her to panic and become highly agitated.

  3. Everyone began to freak out when the lights suddenly went off during the movie.

    The sudden darkness in the cinema caused everyone to panic and become agitated.

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