[Slang] THAT'S BOGUS. - Explore How to Identify Falsehoods in English

That's bogus.

That's bogus.

/ðæts ˈboʊgəs/

That's false or fake.

'That's bogus' is a slang term used to declare something as false, fake, or illegitimate. It's a straightforward, informal way to express disbelief or disagreement with a statement or situation. This expression is particularly useful in informal debates or discussions where clarity and sincerity are valued. Learning to use such phrases can enhance one's ability to engage in discussions critically and informatively.

Example Sentences

  1. I can't believe he said that; that's totally bogus!

    The statement he made is completely false or unfounded.

  2. Calling me a liar? That's bogus, man.

    Accusations of lying toward him are seen as unfair or not true.

  3. You can't trust everything you read online; some of it is just bogus.

    One should not believe all online content as some information could be fake or inaccurate.

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