[Slang] LOW-KEY. - Get Fluent in English: Discover the Slang "Low-Key



/loʊ kiː/

Understated or moderate in intensity.

Low-key" is a term used to describe something that is subtly done or kept quiet, understated, or moderate in intensity. It can apply to behavior, events, or even personal feelings. This slang is often used to convey a preference for something less overt, dramatic, or intense. It suggests a level of modesty or discretion, making it perfect for describing situations or preferences that require subtlety and minimalism.

Example Sentences

  1. Let’s keep the meeting low-key, we don’t want to stir up any drama.

    The meeting should be conducted in a subdued and calm manner to avoid unnecessary drama.

  2. I’m planning a low-key birthday this year; just a few close friends.

    The person is planning a simple, calm celebration with only a handful of friends.

  3. After all that chaos last week, I’m looking for a low-key weekend.

    Desiring a peaceful and quiet weekend after a previously hectic one.

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