[Slang] DROP IT. - Enhance Your English: Learn Phrases for Ending Discussions

Drop it.

Drop it.

/dɹɑp ɪt/

Let it go or stop talking about it.

Drop it" is a slang term used to tell someone to stop discussing a subject or to let go of an issue. It’s often used when a topic is causing conflict or discomfort, or when further discussion is deemed unnecessary or unproductive. For example, if two people are arguing and a third party feels the conversation is getting too heated, they might intervene with, "Just drop it, let’s talk about something else." It's a direct yet effective way to steer conversations away from sensitive topics.

Example Sentences

  1. Just drop it, we don’t need to argue anymore.

    Requesting to end a disagreement and not discuss it any further.

  2. I told him to drop it, but he kept going.

    He was told to stop talking about it but continued to discuss the issue.

  3. Can we please drop it and move on to something else?

    Asking to stop discussing a topic and switch to another subject.

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