[Slang] THAT'S A CLASSIC. - Explore Timeless English Expressions for Everyday Use

That's a classic.

That's a classic.

/ðæts ə ˈklæsɪk/

Referring to something well-known and admired.

That's a classic" refers to something that is widely recognized and admired for its quality and enduring appeal, such as a book, movie, song, or even a joke. It implies a sense of timelessness and quality. For example, referring to a well-loved movie, one might say, "That’s a classic, it never gets old!" This phrase helps express appreciation for things that remain relevant and cherished over time, enhancing discussions about cultural items and personal favorites.

Example Sentences

  1. She wore her mom's vintage dress to prom; that's a classic.

    Commenting on how her choice of wearing a vintage dress is timeless and stylish.

  2. Every time he tells that joke, it's a classic.

    Acknowledging that this particular joke is always amusing every time it is told.

  3. "Star Wars" is always on TV around Christmas; that's a classic holiday tradition.

    Referring to the film "Star Wars" as a timeless feature that is traditionally shown during the Christmas season.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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