[Slang] KICK UP A FUSS. - Learn Cool English Phrases to Express Discontent

Kick up a fuss.

Kick up a fuss.

cause a disturbance.

Kick up a fuss" means to create a big disturbance or make a lot of noise about something minor. This English phrase is handy when someone is not just complaining quietly but making a big deal out of something, usually to draw attention or force a change.

Example Sentences

  1. Why do you always have to kick up a fuss over small things?

    Why do you always have to make a big deal over small things?

  2. He's kicking up a fuss because he didn't get his way.

    He is making a big deal because he didn't get what he wanted.

  3. During the meeting, she kicked up a fuss about the proposed changes, arguing they were unnecessary.

    During the meeting, she made a big deal about the proposed changes, arguing they were unnecessary.

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