[Slang] THAT'S TRIPPY. - Explore Psychedelic Slang

That's trippy.

That's trippy.

Seems hallucinatory

That's trippy" is used to describe experiences, visuals, or ideas that are bizarre and reminiscent of a psychedelic experience. It's the kind of slang you'd use for something that feels surreal or mind-bending, like an abstract art piece that plays tricks on your eyes.

Example Sentences

  1. This art gallery is trippy, it's like another world!

    This art gallery is very unusual and mind-bending, like being in another world.

  2. Man, reading your story was trippy, I couldn't put it down!

    Reading your story was so absorbing and strange, I couldn’t stop.

  3. What a trippy experience at the concert last night. It felt surreal!

    The concert last night was a surreal and bizarre experience.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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