[Slang] IT'S A DUD. - Find Out What It Means When Something Is a Dud

It's a dud.

It's a dud.

/ɪts ə dʌd/

Something unsuccessful or defective

The term "It's a dud" refers to something that fails to meet expectations, often because it is ineffective or defective. Originally military slang for an ammunition that fails to explode, "dud" has broadened to include any flopped project or product. In contemporary usage, calling something a dud implies a significant disappointment, useful in both casual conversation and critical reviews. This phrase offers a succinct way to express dissatisfaction and is an essential part of conversational English.

Example Sentences

  1. Turns out that new restaurant is a dud, sadly.

    The new restaurant turned out to be disappointing.

  2. I bought this gadget online and it's totally a dud.

    The gadget bought online was a complete failure.

  3. Everyone was excited, but the movie turned out to be a dud.

    The movie was highly anticipated but ended up being disappointing.

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