[Slang] SO FIRED UP! - Boost Your English Vocabulary: Expressing Excitement and Passion

So fired up!

So fired up!

/səʊ faɪərd ʌp/

Means very excited or passionate.

When someone says they are "so fired up," they are expressing intense enthusiasm or passion towards an upcoming event or activity. This phrase is often used to rally people, motivate teams, or simply show personal readiness and eagerness. It’s a contagious expression, imbuing conversations with energy and can inspire others to share in the excitement.

Example Sentences

  1. I'm so fired up for the concert tonight!

    I'm really excited for the concert tonight!

  2. He's so fired up about the game, he can't stop talking about it.

    He's really excited about the game; he can't stop talking about it.

  3. She was so fired up during the debate, her energy was just contagious.

    She was very enthusiastic during the debate; her energy was just contagious.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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