[English 101] 公交通勤 - 公共交通和方向词汇

Bus Commute:

Lesson Introduction

Bus Commute


Teaching Material

  1. The bus will approach the stop in two minutes.
    • approach (verb) - 接近、驶近,用于描述公交或车辆在车站附近或即将到达的状态。
    • 当公交或车辆即将到站时,可用此词强调即将到达的动作。在问路或等待公交时,搭配时间和方向语境使用。
    • A: Is our bus approaching? B: Yes, I see it turning the corner.
  2. The arrival of the next bus is scheduled for 8:15 AM.
    • arrival (noun) - 抵达、到达,可指公交抵达或人到达某一站点或目的地。
    • 当谈及公交何时到站或人何时到达时常用,用于说明具体时间表或预计时间。可搭配“time”形成“arrival time”。
    • A: What's the arrival time for our bus? B: It arrives in about 5 minutes.
  3. Please keep your bag clear of the aisle.
    • aisle (noun) - 过道,公交车或其他交通工具中供乘客通行的狭长区域。
    • 用来描述车内过道或座位之间的走道,提醒他人不要挡住通道,常见于提醒人们注意礼貌与安全。
    • A: Where should I stand? B: Stand in the aisle so people can pass by.
  4. Passengers can exit through the back door.
    • back door (noun) - 后门,公交车或其他交通工具上的后部出入口。
    • 公交车上常分前后门上下客,强调乘客下车时按指示使用后门,提高效率并避免拥挤。
    • A: Should I get off here? B: Yes, use the back door for a quicker exit.
  5. Our bus had a breakdown on the way to the station.
    • breakdown (noun) - 故障,用于形容公交车或交通工具突然无法正常行驶。
    • 在公交或车辆出现机械或技术问题时可用此词。提及时通常会讨论换乘、等待维修或其他应对策略。
    • A: Why are we so late? B: The bus had a breakdown and we had to wait for another one.
  6. I take the bus to work every morning.
    • bus (noun) - 公交车,用于城市或地区内载客的公共交通工具。
    • 城市通勤最常见的公共交通工具。可与“catch the bus”或“take the bus”搭配使用,指搭乘公交出行。
    • A: How do you get to the office? B: I usually catch the bus from Maple Street.
    • coach - 在谈及跨城市或长途路线时,“coach”是更恰当的用词,突显更舒适或更远距离的乘坐方式。
  7. Don’t forget to top up your bus card before you travel.
    • bus card (noun) - 公交卡,用于搭乘公共交通时刷卡支付车费。
    • 在城市中常用来支付公交或地铁费用,便捷且优惠。提醒他人记得充值或携带时使用。
    • A: Do you have your bus card ready? B: Yes, I just reloaded it yesterday.
  8. Cars are not allowed in the bus lane during peak hours.
    • bus lane (noun) - 公交专用道,为公交车设立的专门行驶车道。
    • 在讨论公交优先权或城市交通规划时使用,可解释为什么一些车道仅限公交通行。
    • A: Why is there a separate lane? B: That's the bus lane to keep buses on schedule.
  9. I bought a monthly bus pass to save money on my commute.
    • bus pass (noun) - 公交通行证或月票,多次乘坐公交时使用的票证。
    • 常用于频繁乘坐公交的人,方便且划算。可与“monthly”或“annual”搭配。
    • A: How do you pay for your rides? B: I use a bus pass for unlimited trips.
  10. Check the bus schedule online before leaving home.
    • bus schedule (noun) - 公交时刻表,用于查询公交到站或发车时间。
    • 帮助规划出行时间,减少等待。搭配“check”或“look at”使用,确保出门前有所准备。
    • A: When's the next bus? B: According to the bus schedule, it arrives in 10 minutes.
  11. Meet me at the bus stop near the pharmacy.
    • bus stop (noun) - 公交车站,乘客上下车的固定位置。
    • 日常乘坐公交的重要地点,在问路或指引时尤其关键,需标明准确位置。
    • A: Where should I wait for you? B: Wait at the bus stop on King Street.
  12. Use caution when crossing in front of the bus.
    • caution (noun) - 小心、谨慎,提醒在公交或道路环境中需要注意。
    • 可在乘车或过马路时使用,提醒对方注意车辆、路况或安全风险,用于官方提示或口头提醒。
    • A: Should I run across? B: Better use caution, the light is about to change.
  13. Make sure you have enough change for the fare.
    • change (noun) - 零钱或找零,乘坐公交时可能需要的硬币或小额钞票。
    • 在需付现金车费时使用,确保有足够的零钱避免司机无法找零的情况。
    • A: The driver doesn’t accept large bills. B: I have some change in my pocket.
  14. Many commuters rely on the bus for daily travel.
    • commuter (noun) - 通勤者,指经常往返于住处和工作地点的人员。
    • 描绘每日固定上下班的人群,公共交通讨论中常见,便于分析早晚高峰的人流。
    • A: Why is the bus so crowded? B: It’s rush hour, and all the commuters are on board.
  15. The bus stop is right around the corner.
    • corner (noun) - 拐角或街角,常用于指路或描述公交站点位置。
    • 在给出行路线或指示时,可以用“around the corner”表示拐角处或不远处。
    • A: Where’s the pharmacy? B: Turn left at the corner, you’ll see the bus stop as well.
  16. The bus is always a crowd in the morning.
    • crowd (noun) - 人群或拥挤,形容公交或车站内人很多的情况。
    • 在早晚高峰或节假日常出现,强调公交拥挤程度,需要留意安全和秩序。
    • A: Can we find seats? B: It’s a big crowd today; we might have to stand.
  17. I bought a day pass to explore the city by bus.
    • day pass (noun) - 一日通票,可以在一天内无限次乘坐公交。
    • 适合短期或一天内多次搭乘公交,便于一日游或需频繁换乘的乘客。
    • A: How much is a day pass? B: It's cheaper than buying separate tickets if you ride multiple times.
  18. Our bus is running on a delay due to heavy traffic.
    • delay (noun) - 延误,指公交、火车等未能按时到达的状况。
    • 城市交通中常见,提醒出行时间需要预留余量,或向他人说明到达时间可能延后。
    • A: Why are we still here? B: There’s a delay caused by an accident ahead.
  19. The bus departure is scheduled for 7:30 AM.
    • departure (noun) - 出发,指公交或人从某地离开的时间或行为。
    • 与“arrival”相对,经常配合时刻表或提醒使用,确保把握准时出发。
    • A: What’s our departure time? B: We should leave by 6:45 to catch the early bus.
  20. I need to confirm the destination before boarding the bus.
    • destination (noun) - 目的地,乘客或车辆想要到达的终点。
    • 在问路或上车前确认去向时必用,确保路线正确,避免坐反方向或错过站点。
    • A: What's your destination? B: I'm heading to the city center.
  21. Ask the driver for the correct direction if you’re unsure.
    • direction (noun) - 方向或指引,可用于指路或说明公交线路的走向。
    • 在公共交通和导航中必不可少,辨别往哪个方位或终点站,避免乘错路线。
    • A: Which direction is this bus going? B: It heads east toward the city center.
  22. The bus driver waits for passengers to sit down before moving.
    • driver (noun) - 司机,驾驶公交车或其他交通工具的人。
    • 搭乘公共交通时常提及,与“driver’s seat”等词相关,也可用来寻求指路或帮助。
    • A: Did you thank the driver? B: Yes, I said thanks when I got off.
  23. You need a driver’s license to drive a public bus.
    • driver’s license (noun) - 驾驶执照,证明具备合法驾驶资格的证件。
    • 谈及公交司机或个人开车时必要条件,可侧面说明安全与正规性。
    • A: Can anyone operate a bus? B: You need a special driver’s license for that.
  24. This bus requires exact fare; the driver does not provide change.
    • exact fare (noun) - 准确车费,指乘客需要准备正好金额的现金或硬币。
    • 少数公交车不提供找零,须携带足额零钱以免无法顺利付费或耽误行程。
    • A: I only have big bills. B: They need exact fare. You might need to get change first.
  25. Take the express bus if you want to reach downtown faster.
    • express bus (noun) - 快线公交,停站少、速度较快的公交线路。
    • 在赶时间或行驶距离较远时选择,停靠站较少,更省时。
    • A: Why skip the regular bus? B: The express bus is quicker during rush hour.
  26. What’s the bus fare from here to the station?
    • fare (noun) - 车费,乘坐公交或其他交通工具所需支付的费用。
    • 常用来询问或说明乘车费用,可与“ticket”或“card”结合,讨论付款方式。
    • A: How much is the fare? B: Two dollars for a single ride.
  27. Please fasten your seatbelt for your own safety on this highway route.
    • fasten seatbelt (verb phrase) - 系好安全带,一些城际或高速行驶的公交会要求乘客系安全带。
    • 在安全规定严格的线路或车种时常见,用于提醒乘客在行驶中系好安全带。
    • A: Do I really need to fasten my seatbelt on the bus? B: Yes, it’s required on this route.
  28. Please enter through the front door and exit through the rear door.
    • front door (noun) - 前门,公交车或其他交通工具上的前部出入口。
    • 大多数公交采用前门上车后门下车的方式,便于售票或刷卡管理。
    • A: Can I get on from the back door? B: No, the driver wants passengers to enter from the front door.
  29. The bus is equipped with GPS for real-time tracking.
    • GPS (noun) - 全球定位系统,用于定位公交或查找路线。
    • 现代公交管理常见工具,乘客可借助相关app实时查看公交位置,合理安排乘车。
    • A: How do you know where the bus is now? B: I checked the GPS on the transit app.
  30. Hold onto the handrail while the bus is moving.
    • handrail (noun) - 扶手,公交车内供乘客抓握以保持平衡的横杆或支撑。
    • 城市公交通常设有扶手以防乘客摔倒,上下车或拥挤时需注意扶好。
    • A: Where should I stand? B: Right by the handrail so you won’t lose balance.
  31. Grab a handle if there are no seats available.
    • handle (noun) - 把手,悬挂在公交车内让站立乘客抓握。
    • 与“handrail”类似,用于乘客保持平稳,可在拥挤车况下提供安全支撑。
    • A: The bus is moving fast. B: Hold onto the handle for safety.
  32. I always bring my headphones for a peaceful bus ride.
    • headphones (noun) - 耳机,乘客在公交上听音乐或语音内容时常用。
    • 在公共交通上使用耳机可以避免影响周围人,培养良好乘车礼仪。
    • A: Why can't I hear your music? B: I'm using my headphones to avoid disturbing others.
  33. This bus is inbound, heading to the central station.
    • inbound (adjective) - 进城或向市中心方向的线路。
    • 多与“outbound”对应,常见于公交、地铁时刻表,表示线路方向。
    • A: Is this inbound or outbound? B: It's inbound, going towards downtown.
  34. Follow the instructions on the sign to board the correct bus.
    • instructions (noun) - 指示或说明,用于公交站牌、应用程序或司机的告知。
    • 可指标识牌、语音广播或司机口头提示,帮助乘客正确搭乘、付费与下车。
    • A: I’m confused about which stop to use. B: Read the instructions on the notice board.
  35. The bus stop is located near the main intersection.
    • intersection (noun) - 十字路口或交叉口,在指路或找公交站时经常提及。
    • 城市道路交叉处是公交停靠或换乘的常见位置,可用于描述位置方位。
    • A: Where do I change buses? B: At the intersection near the post office.
  36. My daily journey to work takes about 30 minutes by bus.
    • journey (noun) - 旅程或行程,可指公交通勤或长途旅行。
    • 既可指日常短途通勤,也可泛指任何出行过程,含义广泛。
    • A: How was your journey today? B: Pretty smooth, no delays on the bus.
  37. They introduced kneeling buses to make access easier for everyone.
    • kneeling bus (noun) - 低地板公交,可降低车身方便乘客上下车,尤其是轮椅人士。
    • 现代公交常有的无障碍设计,提高老年人或残障人士的上下车便利。
    • A: How do they help wheelchair users? B: The kneeling bus lowers its front to reduce the step height.
  38. The bus is running late due to traffic congestion.
    • late (adjective) - 迟到或延误,形容未能准时到达的状态。
    • 城市交通不确定因素多,会导致公交晚点或个人迟到。常搭配“running late”。
    • A: Why are you late? B: The bus was delayed, so I couldn’t get here on time.
  39. Take the local bus if you need stops near your neighborhood.
    • local bus (noun) - 普通公交,途经多站、停靠频繁的路线。
    • 与“express bus”相对,停靠更多站点,适合短距离或细致覆盖不同社区。
    • A: Express or local bus? B: Local bus, because I need to get off in the suburbs.
  40. Check the route map before deciding where to board.
    • map (noun) - 地图,用于了解公交线路、站点分布或城市道路。
    • 在陌生线路或新城市时必用,帮助规划出行与站点间的关系;电子或纸质皆可。
    • A: How do I find my way around? B: Grab a bus map at the station or use your phone app.
  41. The bus had a mechanical issue, causing a half-hour delay.
    • mechanical issue (noun) - 机械故障,导致公交车或车辆出现无法正常行驶的问题。
    • 与“breakdown”类似,但更侧重零件故障。常在延误或换乘说明中出现。
    • A: Why did we stop? B: There’s a mechanical issue, so we have to wait for repairs.
  42. A monthly pass is more economical for daily riders.
    • monthly pass (noun) - 月票,一个月内可无限或多次使用的公交票证。
    • 对经常乘坐公交的人而言非常划算,可避免每次付费的麻烦。
    • A: How do you save on fares? B: I always buy a monthly pass.
  43. The next stop is the city hall, please be ready to get off.
    • next stop (noun phrase) - 下一站,提醒乘客或用于提示即将到达的站点。
    • 语音广播或对话中常出现,让乘客做好下车准备,避免错过目的地。
    • A: Which stop is next? B: The next stop is Central Park.
  44. Fares might be cheaper during off-peak hours.
    • off-peak (adjective) - 非高峰时段,乘客量较少、公交相对不拥挤。
    • 指早晚高峰以外的时段,通常路况更好,车费或拥挤度也会不同。
    • A: Should we take the bus now? B: Yes, it's off-peak, so it'll be less crowded.
  45. Once you’re on board, remember to validate your ticket.
    • on board (phrase) - 在车上、已登车,用于说明乘客已经上车。
    • 强调已在公交或其他交通工具上,可用于电话告知他人自己已上车。
    • A: Are you on board now? B: Yes, I just found a seat near the front.
  46. This outbound bus goes to the airport on the edge of town.
    • outbound (adjective) - 出城或离市中心方向的线路。
    • 与“inbound”相对应,常见于时刻表上,明确离开市中心或某核心区域的方向。
    • A: Is this bus outbound? B: Yes, it heads toward the suburbs.
  47. The bus became overcrowded during rush hour.
    • overcrowded (adjective) - 过度拥挤,形容车内或车站人太多。
    • 比“crowded”更强化拥挤程度,在极端拥堵时使用,提醒可能需更换时间或路线。
    • A: Can we fit inside? B: It’s already overcrowded, we might wait for the next one.
  48. You can put your backpack in the overhead storage.
    • overhead storage (noun) - 车顶置物架,用于放置随身小型行李或物品。
    • 在大巴或带置物架的公交上使用,提醒乘客把物品收好,不要阻塞过道。
    • A: Is there space for my luggage? B: Check the overhead storage above the seats.
  49. Passengers should remain seated until the bus comes to a full stop.
    • passenger (noun) - 乘客,使用公共交通工具的人。
    • 公共交通环境中的主体角色,用于讨论安全、座位、文明乘车时常见。
    • A: How many passengers are on board? B: It's pretty full, maybe around 50 people.
  50. Avoid traveling during peak hour if possible.
    • peak hour (noun) - 高峰时段,通常在上下班时间段,公交最拥挤。
    • 在早晨或傍晚通勤时段出现,大量乘客涌入公交系统。
    • A: Why is the bus so packed? B: It's peak hour; everyone’s going to work.
  51. The tour bus will have a pickup point outside the train station.
    • pickup point (noun) - 接客点,司机或车辆接送乘客的具体位置。
    • 在预订或特别安排的公交、包车时常见,用于指示集合或等车地点。
    • A: Where do I wait for the shuttle? B: The pickup point is at the main entrance.
  52. Hold onto the pole if you can’t find a seat.
    • pole (noun) - 竖立于车内的金属杆,乘客可抓握保持平衡。
    • 与“handrail”、“handle”类似,尤其在高峰时段,帮助站立乘客稳固身体。
    • A: There's nowhere to sit. B: Just stand and hold the pole.
  53. Pre-recorded announcements help you know the next stop.
    • pre-recorded announcements (noun) - 预先录制的车内广播,用于报站或提示乘客注意事项。
    • 现代公交常见功能,为报站或安全提示,提高乘客对行程的了解。
    • A: Which stop is next? B: Just listen to the pre-recorded announcements.
  54. Please give up your seat if you’re in the priority seat and see someone in need.
    • priority seat (noun) - 优先座,通常为老年人、孕妇或行动不便者预留。
    • 体现公共交通礼仪和尊重他人,常见标识在车厢的显眼处。
    • A: There's a priority seat. B: Let’s leave it open for elderly passengers.
  55. Using public transport can reduce traffic congestion and pollution.
    • public transport (noun) - 公共交通,包含公交、地铁、火车等。
    • 城市发展与环保的重要环节,讨论通勤方式或倡导绿色出行时必会提到。
    • A: Do you drive every day? B: No, I prefer public transport for convenience.
  56. Pull the cord if you want to get off at the next stop.
    • pull cord (noun) - 拉绳,公交车上供乘客拉动提示司机在下一站停车。
    • 部分公交车使用拉绳或按钮提醒司机停车,需拉到或按到明确听到提示音。
    • A: How do I let the driver know I need to exit? B: Just pull the cord above your seat.
  57. Please form a queue while waiting for the bus.
    • queue (noun) - 排队,乘客等车时在站台排好的队伍。
    • 尤其在有秩序的公交站人多时使用,建议保持队形,文明候车。
    • A: Why is there such a long queue? B: Everyone’s waiting for the same bus.
    • line - 在美国,用“line”表示排队情况,与“queue”含义相同;可根据语言习惯选择。
  58. Exit through the rear door to avoid blocking boarding passengers.
    • rear door (noun) - 后门,公交车上的后部车门,通常用于下车。
    • 公交运营常见规定,乘客前门上车、后门下车,保持人流顺畅。
    • A: Is it okay to get off at the front? B: Please use the rear door for exiting.
  59. You can get a refund for unused tickets at the service counter.
    • refund (noun) - 退款,部分公共交通卡或预订票可退还未使用的费用。
    • 在办理车票退票或充值卡余额退还时会用到,可涉及手续费或一定规则。
    • A: Can I cancel my bus ticket? B: Yes, but the refund might have a small fee.
  60. Check the bus route online before you go.
    • route (noun) - 线路,公交或其他交通工具行驶的固定线路。
    • 公共交通的运行路径,了解并选对线路可有效节省时间;也能在指路中帮助他人。
    • A: Which route do I take to the airport? B: Route 10 is the fastest.
  61. I usually take route number 15 to reach my office.
    • route number (noun) - 线路编号,用于区分公交或地铁的不同路线。
    • 识别公交或地铁线路的关键,在询问或分享乘坐信息时必提及。
    • A: Do you know the route number for this bus? B: Yes, it's number 23.
  62. The bus can be very crowded during rush hour.
    • rush hour (noun) - 交通高峰期,通常指上班或下班的繁忙时段。
    • 与“peak hour”相似,城市中大量人流集中出行,常见拥堵、延误情况。
    • A: Why is the ride so slow? B: It’s rush hour; traffic is heavy.
  63. There are no seats left, so I have to stand.
    • seat (noun) - 座位,公交车内供乘客坐下的地方。
    • 描述乘客是否能就座,在长时间或人多时尤为重要,需礼让优先座。
    • A: Is that seat taken? B: No, feel free to sit down.
  64. Fasten your seatbelt on the long-distance bus for safety.
    • seatbelt (noun) - 安全带,一些公交或长途巴士上配备的安全装置。
    • 保障乘客人身安全,尤其高速路段或突发状况时,可以降低伤害风险。
    • A: Do I need to wear a seatbelt? B: Yes, it’s safer if the road is bumpy.
  65. The bus sometimes takes a shortcut to avoid traffic.
    • shortcut (noun) - 捷径,较常规路线更快到达目的地的方式。
    • 用于讨论绕行或替代性路线,以节省时间或避免堵车,与司机熟悉路况有关。
    • A: Why did the bus turn here? B: This is a shortcut to skip the congested main road.
  66. The bus detoured through a side street to avoid construction.
    • side street (noun) - 小街或支路,与主干道相连接。
    • 在城市布局中指与主路平行或相交的次要道路,可做避堵或绕路。
    • A: Why are we going down this narrow lane? B: It's a side street. Probably avoiding traffic.
  67. Wait for the green signal before crossing in front of the bus.
    • signal (noun) - 交通信号灯或提示信号,在行车中指示通行或注意事项。
    • 在上车、过马路或公交启动前都需观察交通灯或司机的指令。
    • A: Is the driver waiting for the signal? B: Yes, the traffic light hasn't turned green yet.
  68. A single ride costs two dollars for adults.
    • single ride (noun) - 单程票或单次乘坐,用于一次性乘坐公交。
    • 适合偶尔乘车或游客,若乘坐频繁则可考虑购买通票或充值卡。
    • A: Do you want a day pass? B: I only need a single ride today.
  69. During rush hour, there are usually many standees in the bus aisle.
    • standee (noun) - 站立乘客,公交无座时需要站立的人。
    • 形容车厢内没有座位后只能站立的乘客,提醒需抓稳扶手或把手以保安全。
    • A: All seats are full. B: I'll have to join the other standees near the door.
  70. Press the stop button if you want to get off at the next stop.
    • stop button (noun) - 停靠按钮,按下后提醒司机在下一站停车。
    • 现代公交普遍装设,用于代替拉绳等传统方式,保证司机及时获知乘客需求。
    • A: How do I signal the driver? B: Use the stop button near your seat.
  71. I prefer the subway when I’m in a hurry, but the bus is cheaper.
    • subway (noun) - 地铁,城市公共交通的一种快速轨道系统。
    • 与公交同属公共交通,但速度更快、准点率更高;在大城市常见。可视行程需求来选择。
    • A: Did you take the bus? B: No, the subway was faster this time.
  72. You can summon a bus by waving at some stops in rural areas.
    • summon (verb) - 叫车或召唤车辆,通常用于打出租或需公交停车。
    • 在部分地区或灵活路线的公交系统中可能使用,乘客通过挥手等方式让车辆停靠。
    • A: There’s no official stop here. B: You might try to summon the bus if it slows down.
  73. The bus has a surveillance camera for passenger safety.
    • surveillance camera (noun) - 监控摄像头,车内或站台用于安全监控的设备。
    • 现代公交保障乘客安全的重要设备,也可用来追踪财物丢失或纠纷。
    • A: Is it safe on late buses? B: Yes, there's a surveillance camera inside.
  74. The bus reaches the terminal at 10 PM.
    • terminal (noun) - 终点站或公交总站,是公交线路起点或终点所在。
    • 通常是交通枢纽或换乘中心,可在此进行线路转换或购买车票、查询信息。
    • A: Where does this route end? B: It goes all the way to the main terminal downtown.
  75. You need a valid ticket before boarding the bus.
    • ticket (noun) - 车票或凭证,乘坐公交时购买的纸质或电子票。
    • 无论纸质或电子形式,确保在上车前或上车后立刻购票、打票,避免罚款。
    • A: Where do I get a ticket? B: You can buy one at the kiosk or from the driver.
  76. Use the ticket machine to buy a single ride or top up your card.
    • ticket machine (noun) - 售票机,自动售票或充值的设备。
    • 在车站或公交车上常见,可自行操作购票或充值;多语言界面方便外地乘客。
    • A: I don’t have change. B: The ticket machine accepts cards or bills.
  77. The bus timetable shows a departure every 15 minutes.
    • timetable (noun) - 时间表,与“schedule”相似,列出公交发车或到站时间。
    • 与“bus schedule”互换使用,在城市或区域公交站牌、官网或app可查。
    • A: How often does the bus run? B: According to the timetable, twice an hour.
  78. Remember to top up your bus card if the balance is low.
    • top up (phrasal verb) - 充值,为公交卡或账户增加余额。
    • 在公交卡系统中常见,可在自动售票机或便利店充值,保持余额充足。
    • A: My card just ran out of money. B: Let’s top up at the vending machine.
  79. Heavy traffic might delay the bus this morning.
    • traffic (noun) - 交通流量或拥堵状况,影响公交准点率的主要因素。
    • 城市通勤绕不开的话题,会导致路程延误或排队时间增长,乘客需留意。
    • A: Why is the bus so slow? B: Traffic is terrible today.
  80. You can transfer to the express route at the central station.
    • transfer (verb / noun) - 换乘,乘客从一条公交线路切换到另一条线路。
    • 对于多线路通行的旅程,可节省费用与时间。不同城市有不同换乘政策。
    • A: Do I need to pay again when I transfer? B: Not if you have a transfer ticket or bus pass.
  81. Use a transit app to track real-time bus arrivals.
    • transit app (noun) - 公交应用程序,提供公交到站查询、路线规划等功能。
    • 现代化出行常用工具,可随时查看公交位置或查找转乘方案,提高通勤效率。
    • A: How do you know the bus will be here soon? B: I checked the transit app on my phone.
  82. Public transportation is the most cost-effective way to travel in the city.
    • transportation (noun) - 交通工具或交通系统的总称,包括公交、地铁、出租车等。
    • 在宏观层面谈及出行方式或基础设施时用,可与“public”或“mass”搭配。
    • A: How do you get around? B: I rely on public transportation for everything.
  83. The bus will turn left at the next intersection.
    • turn left (verb phrase) - 向左转,公交车或个人导航时常用的方向指令。
    • 简明扼要的方位用语,公交报站或指路时常常出现,可结合地标说明。
    • A: Where do I go from here? B: Turn left and walk straight for two blocks.
  84. After you see the bank, turn right onto Pine Street.
    • turn right (verb phrase) - 向右转,和“turn left”相对应的方向指令。
    • 在车上或路途中进行导航时必不可少,注意与“turn left”配合区分路线。
    • A: How do I find the bus stop? B: Turn right at the next corner, it's on your left.
  85. That’s an unavailable seat marked for repairs.
    • unavailable seat (noun phrase) - 不可用座位,可能因故障、破损或特殊保留而无法使用。
    • 提醒乘客该座位暂时无法使用,通常会有标志或提示避免乘坐。
    • A: Can I sit there? B: No, it’s an unavailable seat, sorry.
  86. You need to validate your ticket in the machine near the front.
    • validate (verb) - 验证或打票,指在上车后对车票进行确认的动作。
    • 欧洲等地常见上车后在机子上“打票”流程,确保车票即时生效。
    • A: Do I have to validate this paper ticket? B: Yes, otherwise it’s not considered valid.
  87. You can recharge your bus card at the vending machine.
    • vending machine (noun) - 自动贩卖机,有时也售卖或充值公交卡。
    • 常见于大车站或地铁站,不仅售零食饮品,也可购票或充值。
    • A: Where can I buy a bus ticket? B: Use the vending machine by the station entrance.
  88. Please stay in the waiting area until the bus arrives.
    • waiting area (noun) - 候车区,乘客在车站等待公交的指定地点。
    • 通常有座椅或遮阳雨棚,乘客在此排队或等车,可避免影响行人和交通。
    • A: Where should I stand for the bus? B: Go to the covered waiting area over there.
  89. It’s only a five-minute walk from the station to my office.
    • walk (verb) - 步行或行走,可描述到达公交站的方式或短距离移动。
    • 在公交不直达时,常需步行连接短距离,指示远近时非常常用。
    • A: How do I reach the next bus stop? B: You can walk two blocks north.
  90. This bus is equipped with a wheelchair ramp at the front door.
    • wheelchair ramp (noun) - 轮椅坡道,为轮椅使用者或推婴儿车人士提供方便上下车的斜坡。
    • 无障碍设施,在人性化公共交通中常见,帮助行动不便者顺利登车。
    • A: How does my grandmother get on? B: The driver can lower the wheelchair ramp.
  91. Some long-distance buses offer free Wi-Fi for passengers.
    • Wi-Fi (noun) - 无线网络,在部分公交或站台提供的免费或付费网络。
    • 现代化公交服务的亮点之一,便于乘客在车内上网、办公或娱乐。
    • A: Can I work during the trip? B: Yes, they have onboard Wi-Fi.
  92. I prefer a window seat so I can enjoy the view.
    • window seat (noun phrase) - 靠窗座位,乘客可透过车窗欣赏外景。
    • 部分乘客喜欢靠窗座位以减少晕车并享受景色,讨论座位时可提出偏好。
    • A: Is there a window seat available? B: Yes, one near the rear door.
  93. This express route goes through five blocks without stopping.
    • without stopping (phrase) - 不停站地通过,形容部分班次或快线只在主要站点停车。
    • 在快车或部分跳站线路上使用,说明中途不停车或只在关键站停车。
    • A: Why is the ride so quick? B: Because we go through several stops without stopping.
  94. The city uses a zoned fare system, so check which zone you’re traveling in.
    • zoned fare (noun phrase) - 分区票价,根据不同地理区域或距离收费。
    • 有些城市根据距离或地区划分票价,乘客需留意自己行程在第几区。
    • A: Why did the fare change? B: We crossed into a new zone, so it’s a zoned fare.
  95. If you’re traveling outside your zone, you’ll pay more.
    • zone (noun) - 区域,用于公共交通费率或地理划分。
    • 与“zoned fare”结合使用,说明市内或地区划分,影响票价或线路覆盖。
    • A: Which zone is my destination? B: It’s in zone 3, so you’ll need the extended fare.
  96. Use the crosswalk to reach the bus stop on the other side.
    • crosswalk (noun) - 人行横道,供行人安全过马路。
    • 在城市环境下保障行人安全的关键设施,提醒注意遵守交通规则。
    • A: Should I cross here? B: No, walk to the crosswalk for safety.
  97. The bus driver announced the next stop clearly.
    • bus driver (noun) - 公交司机,专门负责驾驶公交车的人员。
    • 与“driver”类似,但更具体指驾驶公交的专业人士,可寻求路线或乘车规则的帮助。
    • A: Should we ask the bus driver about the route? B: Yes, they’ll know the best stop for you.
  98. Grandma prefers the front seat to avoid climbing too far in.
    • front seat (noun phrase) - 前排座位,靠近司机或前门的座位。
    • 对行动不便者或想尽快下车的人较为方便,也可减少晕车感。
    • A: Where should we sit? B: Let’s pick the front seat so we can get off easily.
  99. The driver parked the bus in the loading bay for passengers to board safely.
    • loading bay (noun) - 车辆装载区,公交或长途车在此上下客或装卸行李。
    • 常见于大巴车站或机场穿梭巴士,用于存放行李,乘客需确认行李取放。
    • A: Where do I put my suitcase? B: Ask the driver to open the loading bay underneath.
  100. You can find multiple routes at the main bus station.
    • bus station (noun) - 公交车站或客运站,公交线路的集中出发或终点场所。
    • 规模大于普通 bus stop,往往有多个发车位和售票服务,便于长途或多线路换乘。
    • A: Where do I catch the out-of-town bus? B: Go to the central bus station, gate 5.
  101. I need to recharge my bus card before the ride.
    • recharge (verb) - 充值,为交通卡或电子账户补足余额,类似“top up”。
    • 与“top up”同义,视个人表达习惯选择;在购买或补足公交卡余额时使用。
    • A: I’m running low on balance. B: You can recharge at the station kiosk.

Lesson Summary

本课共提供101个与公交通勤和方向指引紧密关联的实用英文词汇,涵盖从车票和刷卡到路线、时刻表以及上下车方式的多种情境。你会学到如何准确描述公交车的进出门位置(front door、back door)、如何在旅途中确认下一站(next stop)或换乘(transfer),并了解公交卡充值(top up/recharge)及分区票价(zoned fare)等细节。在人多拥挤(overcrowded)的高峰时段(rush hour)或遇到车辆故障(breakdown、mechanical issue)时,如何同司机或其他乘客沟通也是关键。另外,优先座(priority seat)和轮椅坡道(wheelchair ramp)等词汇,则帮助你理解并尊重公共交通中的礼仪和无障碍环境。通过这些单词的例句和对话,你能有效学习在公交车上或车站里常见的英语表达,增强日常通勤或出行时的自信心。希望你在完成本课后,不仅能更加从容地解决路线规划和购票难题,也能轻松与他人讨论乘车感受。
