[English 101] 工作邮件 - 职场正式与非正式邮件用语

Work Emails:

Lesson Introduction

Work Emails


Teaching Material

  1. Please note that immediate action is required on the attached report.
    • action required (phrase) - 需要采取行动,通常在邮件中提示对方需要做出处理或回应。
    • 用于强调邮件主题或内容中,表明对方需要立即采取后续步骤,可配合截止日期来表达紧迫性。
    • A: Did you see my email labeled “action required”? B: Yes, I’ll handle the task right away.
  2. Please review the agenda before tomorrow’s meeting.
    • agenda (noun) - 议程或待办事项列表,邮件中常用以说明会议或讨论流程。
    • 在安排会议或讨论时使用,帮助所有参与者做好准备,更好地跟进主题及顺序。
    • A: Could you email me the meeting agenda? B: Sure, I’ll send it right after this call.
  3. I appreciate your prompt response regarding the project details.
    • appreciate (verb) - 感激或感谢,用于正式或非正式邮件中表示对对方帮助的认可。
    • 在邮件结尾或针对对方的协助时常用,表达感谢的同时可加深合作关系。
    • A: Thanks for sending the files so quickly. B: I appreciate your patience while I gathered everything.
  4. Once you’ve read all the updates, you can archive this thread.
    • archive (verb) - 归档,把邮件或文件移至存档以便分类或保存。
    • 在邮箱整理时用到,将不常用但需要留存的邮件进行归档,方便后续查询。
    • A: Should I delete or archive the old emails? B: Better to archive them for future reference.
  5. Please send the revised document ASAP.
    • ASAP (adverb phrase) - 尽快(as soon as possible的缩写),表示紧急或需要快速反馈。
    • 常见于较为轻松或半正式的邮件,表达紧迫程度。过度使用可能显得急迫,需斟酌场合。
    • A: Can you finish the report by tomorrow? B: Sure, I’ll do it ASAP.
  6. Please find the spreadsheet in the attachment below.
    • attachment (noun) - 附件,随邮件一同发送的文件或资料。
    • 在发送相关文件、表格或图片时提及。要确认附件正确无误后再发送。
    • A: Did you receive the attachment I sent? B: Yes, I'm reviewing it now.
  7. The attachment limit is 20 MB, so please compress your files.
    • attachment limit (noun phrase) - 附件大小限制,邮箱或邮件服务器对附件大小设定的上限。
    • 发送大文件前应确认邮箱限制,超出部分可使用云盘链接或分批发送,避免退信。
    • A: Why won’t my email send? B: Maybe it’s over the attachment limit. Try zipping the files.
  8. I set an auto-reply while I’m away on business.
    • auto-reply (noun) - 自动回复,一种自动发送的邮件回复,常用于“外出”或“度假”通知。
    • 适用在离开办公室一段时间但需告知对方时,可包含返回时间及替代联系人。
    • A: Did you get my message? B: I just got your auto-reply saying you’re traveling this week.
  9. I bcc’d the legal team to keep them in the loop.
    • bcc (verb / noun) - 密送(blind carbon copy),收件人不可见其余同样被密送者。
    • 在保护隐私或需谨慎告知他人时可用,但注意滥用会削弱团队透明度。
    • A: Should I include HR in the open list? B: Better to bcc them if you don’t want others to see.
  10. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards, John.
    • best regards (phrase) - 致以诚挚问候,邮件结尾常用的客气表达方式。
    • 在较正式或半正式场合的邮件结尾中使用,语气礼貌,适度保留亲切感。
    • A: How do I end this email formally? B: You can write “Best regards” before your name.
  11. The manager used blind carbon copy so the recipients remained confidential.
    • blind carbon copy (noun) - 与bcc含义相同,以完整称呼形式出现。
    • 解释bcc的全称,用于正式培训或文件场景时,表示对方收件人为隐式。
    • A: Who else is copied on this email? B: Possibly someone in blind carbon copy, we can’t see it.
  12. Make sure your email body is concise and clear.
    • body (noun) - 邮件正文,包含主要信息和内容的部分。
    • 邮件撰写的核心部分,须主题明确、段落清晰,避免过度冗长。
    • A: Where should I explain the proposal details? B: Put them in the email body for clarity.
  13. I’ll provide the main points in the body text, so it’s easy to read.
    • body text (noun) - 邮件主体文字,着重强调邮件的文字内容部分。
    • 与“body”近义,突出信息的文本形式;在格式美观及逻辑清晰上需下功夫。
    • A: Where do I elaborate on the instructions? B: Put them in the body text right after the greeting.
  14. You can use bullet points to organize your ideas clearly.
    • bullet points (noun) - 项目符号,用于在邮件中列出重点或条目。
    • 可以使邮件重点突出,便于阅读者快速抓取关键信息;适用任务清单或要点介绍。
    • A: Is my email too long? B: Try bullet points to break down your points.
  15. A carbon copy was sent to the entire finance department.
    • carbon copy (noun) - 与cc含义相同,以完整称呼形式出现。
    • 在正式文件中,有时会写成carbon copy,表示抄送收件人可见,保持信息透明。
    • A: Should I just cc or directly address them? B: A carbon copy is fine if it’s just for their information.
  16. I cc’d my supervisor to keep him updated.
    • cc (verb / noun) - 抄送(carbon copy),邮件同时发送给多个收件人。
    • 在团队协作或信息同步时常用,但需确保收件人确有知情必要,避免邮件垃圾化。
    • A: Should I include your boss? B: Yes, cc him so he knows what’s going on.
  17. Don’t forget to add a polite closing before your signature.
    • closing (noun) - 邮件结尾,可指礼貌签名或结束语。
    • 邮件结尾常配合致敬语(Best regards, Sincerely),表现礼貌与尊重。
    • A: Any suggestions for the closing line? B: “Thank you for your time” is short and polite.
  18. I forwarded the details to my colleague for further input.
    • colleague (noun) - 同事,通常在工作邮件中称呼与自己同一单位或合作伙伴。
    • 在职场邮件中常见,称呼熟悉或平级的同事,若不熟则可先使用“Dear + Name”。
    • A: Who’s reviewing the financial data? B: My colleague in accounting is handling it.
  19. This document is confidential; please do not share it externally.
    • confidential (adjective) - 机密或保密的,用于强调邮件内容不适合公开。
    • 在传达敏感信息时先强调机密性,可在邮件开头或末尾加注明,避免泄露。
    • A: Is the attachment safe to forward? B: It’s confidential, so only share with authorized members.
  20. I’m writing to request confirmation of our meeting time.
    • confirmation (noun) - 确认或确定,常用于邮件中确认信息或安排。
    • 在需要对方检查或回覆确认某事项时使用,使后续执行有正式依据。
    • A: Did you receive the contract? B: Yes, but I need your confirmation before finalizing.
  21. We need proper coordination among all departments for this project launch.
    • coordination (noun) - 协调或配合,工作邮件中用于讨论协同完成某项任务。
    • 用于跨部门或团队合作时强调互相配合,避免信息不对称。
    • A: Can you handle the design aspect? B: Sure, let’s keep open communication for better coordination.
  22. The deadline for submitting the report is Friday at noon.
    • deadline (noun) - 截止日期,邮件中用来通知或询问完成任务的最后时间。
    • 在表达紧迫性时必用,可加具体日期与时间,清晰告知对方必要的时限要求。
    • A: When’s the project deadline? B: We need everything wrapped up by next Monday.
  23. Dear Ms. Johnson, I hope you’re doing well.
    • dear (adjective) - 邮件开头的称呼,如“Dear Mr. Smith”,体现正式或半正式的礼貌。
    • 传统正式邮件通常使用“Dear + 姓氏/头衔”,若关系较亲近也可用名字。
    • A: How do I start a formal email? B: Use “Dear” plus their name or title.
  24. I saved the draft to double-check my spelling later.
    • draft (noun) - 草稿,尚未发送或尚在修改的邮件内容。
    • 在发送前先存为草稿便于再次检查,确保邮件内容准确且无错别字。
    • A: Where’s the email you were writing? B: It’s still in my drafts folder. I’ll finish it soon.
  25. You can find your unsent letters in the draft folder.
    • draft folder (noun phrase) - 草稿文件夹,用于存放未完成或未发送的邮件。
    • 邮箱中的分类之一,存放尚未发出的邮件以便后续修改或完成。
    • A: I can’t find the email I was composing. B: Check your draft folder; it might be there.
  26. I need to edit a few details before sending this message.
    • edit (verb) - 修改或编辑,邮件发送前或回复前对内容进行调整。
    • 养成在发送前重新审阅邮件的习惯,避免误字或格式不当,展现专业度。
    • A: Is the email ready to go? B: Let me edit the subject line for clarity.
  27. Please verify the email address to avoid delivery errors.
    • email address (noun) - 电子邮箱地址,邮件往来时需准确填写的收件或发件信息。
    • 错误的地址会导致退信或机密外泄,需认真检查拼写及域名。
    • A: Could you confirm your email address? B: Sure, it's [email protected].
  28. My email signature includes my title and phone number.
    • email signature (noun phrase) - 邮件签名,附在邮件末尾的个人或公司信息。
    • 在企业邮件中常含有公司名称、职位、联系方式等,有助于对方快速了解发件人背景。
    • A: How do I add a logo to my email signature? B: Go to your settings and upload the image.
  29. Please see the enclosure for further instructions.
    • enclosure (noun) - 信件或邮件所附带的文件或资料,与attachment类似,较传统写法。
    • 多在正式或传统书面邮件中使用,强调随函附上相关文件。
    • A: What's the difference between enclosure and attachment? B: ‘Enclosure’ is more formal, often in letters.
  30. Could you give me an ETA on when you’ll finish the draft?
    • ETA (abbreviation / noun) - 预计到达时间(Estimated Time of Arrival),也用于表示预计完成时间。
    • 职场邮件中常见的简写,通常用于询问或告知某工作完成的预计时间。
    • A: When will we see the final version? B: My ETA is tomorrow afternoon.
  31. I’m looking forward to your feedback on the proposal.
    • feedback (noun) - 反馈,对某项工作、提案或内容的意见与建议。
    • 发送初稿或计划时常用,希望获取对方的建议或意见,以改进工作成果。
    • A: Did you get any feedback from the team? B: Yes, they suggested a few changes.
  32. I’ll flag this message so I remember to respond later.
    • flag (verb) - 标记,用于在邮箱中标出需要关注或跟进的邮件。
    • 在海量邮件中通过标记功能提升效率,以便后续优先处理关键信息。
    • A: Did you reply to that request yet? B: Not yet. I flagged it to handle this afternoon.
  33. This is just a follow-up on our conversation about the new system.
    • follow-up (noun / adjective) - 后续跟进,用于提醒或继续之前未完成的事项。
    • 当要再次提醒或追踪项目进度时,用此词使对方明白是先前话题的延续。
    • A: Why are you emailing me again? B: It's a follow-up to see if you had any questions.
  34. I'm sending a follow-up email to ensure we're aligned on the next steps.
    • follow-up email (noun phrase) - 后续邮件,专门指向前一次沟通后发送的再次确认或提醒。
    • 更具体强调再次发送邮件的动作,可附带前次邮件内容或重点。
    • A: I haven't heard back. B: Maybe send a follow-up email to check in.
  35. I will forward you the client’s latest feedback.
    • forward (verb) - 转发,把收到的邮件再发送给其他人。
    • 在将原邮件的全部或部分信息分享给第三方时使用,不要忘记检查隐私。
    • A: Can you forward that email to me? B: Sure, give me a second.
  36. You’ll see all details in the forwarded message.
    • forwarded message (noun phrase) - 被转发的邮件内容,通常在邮件主题或开头可见“Fwd:”标识。
    • 保留了原邮件信息,转发给新收件人,可回溯之前的对话背景,但注意隐私。
    • A: Where is the original text? B: It’s in the forwarded message that I just sent.
  37. We use a formal tone when emailing executives.
    • formal (adjective) - 正式的,用来形容邮件语气、写作风格或场合。
    • 在对上级或外部合作方等场合中运用,语言礼貌、避免俚语或缩写。
    • A: How should I address the CEO? B: Keep it formal and polite.
  38. FYI, the meeting time has been changed to 3 PM.
    • FYI (abbreviation) - 供您参考(For Your Information),向收件人传递信息性邮件。
    • 强调仅用于提供信息,无需对方回应或处理,语气偏轻松,半正式场合可用。
    • A: Should I do anything about it? B: No, it's just FYI so you’re aware.
  39. FYR, I’ve attached the previous year’s budget report.
    • FYR (abbreviation) - 供您参考(For Your Reference),与FYI类似,但更偏向提供备查资料。
    • 在提供资料或历史记录时常用,带有信息归档或知识共享的意味。
    • A: Is this something I need to act on? B: It’s just FYR if you want background context.
  40. Just a gentle reminder to submit your feedback by tomorrow.
    • gentle reminder (phrase) - 温馨提醒,礼貌地提示对方未完成或未回复的事项。
    • 表达委婉的催促,同时保有礼貌和尊重,可用于尚未超时但需及时关注的情况。
    • A: Should I push them again? B: Yes, send a gentle reminder so we can move forward.
  41. Use a simple greeting like “Hello” in an informal email.
    • greetings (noun) - 问候语,邮件开头对收件人的招呼,如“Hello”或“Hi”。
    • 开头问候可根据对方身份和场合选择“Hi”、“Hello”或更正式“Dear + Name”。
    • A: How do I start my email to a coworker? B: You can just say “Hi” as a greeting.
  42. The greetings line can simply say, “Hi Team,” for group emails.
    • greetings line (noun phrase) - 问候行,邮件开头专门的一行文字,用于简短招呼或称呼。
    • 类似于“Greetings”,但强调独立一行布局,可让邮件层次更分明。
    • A: Should I just write “Hello” on top? B: Yes, that can be your greetings line.
  43. Just a heads-up: we might need more resources by next week.
    • heads-up (noun) - 事先通知或提醒,对未来可能发生的情况预先告知。
    • 轻松口语化,常用于内部同事间,让对方提前知晓工作进度或变动。
    • A: Why did you send me that email? B: It was a heads-up so you won’t be caught off guard.
  44. I want to highlight the budget concerns in the second paragraph.
    • highlight (verb) - 强调或突出,邮件中凸显重点内容。
    • 在邮件中可用加粗、着色等形式突出重点,或直接用语言说明要点。
    • A: Did you read my email carefully? B: Yes, I noticed you highlighted the key figures.
  45. Please check this hyperlink for additional data.
    • hyperlink (noun) - 超链接,可点击打开指定网页或文档。
    • 在现代工作邮件中常见,用于引导阅读者查看线上资源或文件。
    • A: Where can I find more details? B: Click the hyperlink I inserted in the email.
  46. My inbox is flooded with unread messages after the holiday.
    • inbox (noun) - 收件箱,接收并显示收到邮件的地方。
    • 管理好收件箱可以提升效率,建议分类存档或及时阅读、删除或回复。
    • A: Did you see my email? B: Not yet, my inbox is pretty full; I’ll check now.
  47. It’s okay to be more informal when emailing close teammates.
    • informal (adjective) - 非正式的,用于与熟悉同事或内部团队的邮件交流。
    • 面对熟识的同事或非正式工作环境可使用缩写、口语表达,但仍需保持基本礼貌。
    • A: Do I need a formal tone for this email? B: It’s informal; just keep it straightforward and friendly.
  48. I have an inquiry about the new client onboarding process.
    • inquiry (noun) - 询问或查询,用于对某事进行提问或请求更多信息。
    • 一般在正式或较礼貌场景下提出问题,更显得有条理、有针对性。
    • A: What’s your email about? B: Just an inquiry regarding our software license.
  49. Please use the official letterhead for external correspondence.
    • letterhead (noun) - 信头或邮件抬头信息,包含公司名称、标志等。
    • 在需要保持统一品牌形象时重要,尤其是面对客户或合作方的正式邮件。
    • A: Where can I find our company letterhead? B: It’s in the template folder for formal letters.
  50. My mailbox is almost full; I need to delete unnecessary emails.
    • mailbox (noun) - 邮箱,包括收件箱、发件箱、草稿箱等整体。
    • 较“inbox”更广泛,包含所有邮件分类,需定期管理以优化使用体验。
    • A: Can you check your mailbox for my message? B: Sure, I’ll look through all folders.
  51. I’ll forward this to my manager for approval.
    • manager (noun) - 经理或主管,邮件往来中常见的上级对象。
    • 在职场邮件中,若需决策或权限,多数需经理或更高层同意。
    • A: Should we loop in your manager? B: Yes, let’s cc them so they’re aware.
  52. I sent you a meeting request for Wednesday at 2 PM.
    • meeting request (noun phrase) - 会议邀请,用于通过邮件安排或确认会议时间。
    • 多与日历系统结合,可在邮件或软件中发送邀请,确保所有人能及时确认。
    • A: Can you join the call tomorrow? B: Sure, just send me a meeting request so I can confirm.
  53. This is a no-reply email for system notifications only.
    • no-reply (adjective / noun) - 无需回复邮件,或系统发送的自动邮件地址,如[email protected]
    • 常用于自动化系统通知或公告,不支持往来沟通,应提供正式联系人邮箱。
    • A: Can I write back to that address? B: It’s a no-reply account, so you won’t get a response.
  54. A quick note: the office will close earlier on Friday.
    • note (noun) - 注释或附言,用于简短提醒或附加信息。
    • 邮件末尾或正文插入此提示,可强调某些小细节或新变化,适合轻量级信息。
    • A: Did you see the note at the bottom of my email? B: Yes, thanks for the heads-up.
  55. Sending abrupt emails at midnight isn’t the best office etiquette.
    • office etiquette (noun phrase) - 职场礼仪,指在工作环境中应遵守的沟通与行为规范。
    • 包括邮件往来的礼貌用语和时机、是否群发等,良好习惯能提升工作氛围。
    • A: Should I message my boss at 2 AM? B: That might break office etiquette. Wait until morning.
  56. I’m out of office until next Monday; please contact my colleague for urgent matters.
    • out of office (phrase) - 离开办公状态,用自动回复等方式告知不在办公中。
    • 当员工请假或出差时告知对方暂时无法及时回复,常搭配自动回复。
    • A: Why hasn’t she replied? B: She’s out of office and left an auto-reply with a backup contact.
  57. I have a few emails stuck in my outbox due to network issues.
    • outbox (noun) - 发件箱,存放已发送或待发送邮件的文件夹。
    • 若邮箱出现网络或服务器问题,检查outbox是否有滞留邮件非常重要。
    • A: Did you send that email yet? B: It’s still in my outbox, might be a server delay.
  58. Even if it’s a complaint, maintain a polite tone in your email.
    • polite tone (noun phrase) - 礼貌的语气,用于对邮件整体风格的描述。
    • 无论正式或非正式邮件,都要基本保持礼貌,用适度客气话术化解冲突。
    • A: How do I make my message sound nicer? B: Use a polite tone and avoid harsh words.
  59. Using polite phrases can help you convey respect in your emails.
    • polite phrases (noun phrase) - 礼貌用语,如“Please”、“Thank you”等,让邮件更显尊重和亲和。
    • 在工作邮件中体现尊重,尽量使用“please”、“thank you”等,避免生硬语气。
    • A: Is ‘Could you please...?’ better than ‘Do this now’? B: Yes, it’s more diplomatic with polite phrases.
  60. This task is high priority, so let’s address it first.
    • priority (noun) - 优先级,指邮件或任务的先后顺序。
    • 用于说明工作或邮件重要程度,可搭配“high priority”、“low priority”等具体说明。
    • A: Should we handle the budget issue now? B: Yes, it’s our top priority.
  61. Make sure to maintain a professional tone in external emails.
    • professional tone (noun phrase) - 专业语气,指邮件用词与表达体现专业度与尊重。
    • 在外部沟通或正式场合使用,语言精炼有条理,避免过多俚语或情绪化表达。
    • A: Is this email too casual? B: It might be. Adjust it to a more professional tone for the client.
  62. Always proofread your email before clicking ‘Send.’
    • proofread (verb) - 校对或检查,发送前仔细核对邮件的拼写、语法或事实。
    • 养成好习惯,能有效减少低级错误。可借助拼写检查工具或让同事协助。
    • A: Why are there typos? B: I forgot to proofread. I’ll fix them now.
  63. I attached the new marketing proposal for your review.
    • proposal (noun) - 提案或建议,在邮件中呈现新项目或计划的方案。
    • 正式提交计划或改进方案时使用,可配搭附件,邀请对方审阅或讨论。
    • A: Did you see my proposal? B: Yes, I'm going through it and will share feedback soon.
  64. I requested a read receipt to confirm you got the files.
    • read receipt (noun) - 已读回执,通知发件人邮件是否被收件人打开。
    • 能帮助确认对方是否阅读邮件,但频繁使用可能引起对方不适,需谨慎。
    • A: Did you open my email? B: I think so, you might’ve received a read receipt.
  65. Be sure to spell the recipient’s name correctly.
    • recipient (noun) - 收件人,邮件的接收方。
    • 确认收件人地址及姓名无误,避免重要信息传错或隐私泄露。
    • A: Who’s the recipient of this message? B: The new project manager, Ms. Green.
  66. Thank you for your assistance. Regards, Alex.
    • regards (noun) - 致意或问候,常用作邮件签名结尾的礼貌表达。
    • 邮件结尾常用搭配,语气略显简洁,适合日常正式与半正式场景。
    • A: Should I say “Sincerely” or “Regards”? B: “Regards” is simpler but still polite.
  67. This is a friendly reminder about our upcoming deadline.
    • reminder (noun) - 提醒或催办函,提醒对方执行某项工作或检查进度。
    • 适合对仍需完成的任务再次提示,语气可根据紧急程度进行调整。
    • A: Did you send a reminder to the team? B: Yes, I just emailed them about tomorrow’s meeting.
  68. Please reply by Friday with your availability.
    • reply (verb) - 回复,对收到的邮件进行答复或回应。
    • 用于对某封邮件作出答复,宜注意邮件上下文,保持连贯与礼貌。
    • A: Did you reply to that client? B: Yes, I answered them this morning.
  69. If the entire group needs to see your response, use ‘Reply All.’
    • reply all (phrase) - 回复所有人,一次性向邮件链中的全部收件人作出回应。
    • 在群组邮件中使用,但需要确认是否真的所有人都需读到此回复,避免过度打扰。
    • A: Should I just reply to the sender? B: No, this concerns everyone, so hit reply all.
  70. I’ll resend the file in case you didn’t get it the first time.
    • resend (verb) - 重新发送,当原邮件可能未送达或对方未收到时再次发送。
    • 与“forward”类似,但强调原邮件并未成功收到时的再次尝试,或发送更新版本。
    • A: I can't find the attachment. B: Let me resend that email right now.
  71. I’d like to schedule a quick call this afternoon.
    • schedule (verb / noun) - 安排或日程,用于邮件邀约或沟通具体时间。
    • 在职场邮件中与会议或任务时间衔接最紧密,要写明具体日期与时段。
    • A: When can we discuss the new policy? B: Let’s schedule a meeting for Monday.
  72. Use a formal salutation when emailing upper management.
    • salutation (noun) - 称呼或问候语,邮件开头如“Dear Mr. Smith”或“Hello Team”。
    • 与“Greetings”功能相似,但更专业化术语,用于准确称呼收件人并体现礼貌。
    • A: What salutation should I use for the VP? B: 'Dear Ms. Brown' would be appropriate.
  73. Please send me the final draft by noon.
    • send (verb) - 发送,将邮件传送给指定收件人。
    • 核心操作,需确认收件人、附件及邮件内容正确再点击发送。
    • A: Did you send the invitation? B: Not yet, I’m finalizing the details before I hit send.
  74. My email signature includes my contact number and title.
    • signature (noun) - 签名,可指个人手写体或邮件自动生成的电子签名。
    • 区别于‘email signature block’,更可指个人署名或数字签名,原则上要简洁专业。
    • A: How do I add a signature in Outlook? B: Go to settings and insert your details.
  75. Update your signature block with our new company logo.
    • signature block (noun phrase) - 邮件签名区,包含姓名、职位、公司名和联系方式等。
    • 相当于邮件结尾的名片,可突出必要信息、保持公司形象一致。
    • A: What should I put in my signature block? B: Your name, title, and phone number are enough.
  76. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing regarding your recent inquiry.
    • sir/madam (noun) - 礼貌称呼,用于非常正式或不知具体姓名的场合。
    • 在官方或未确认对方身份的情形下使用,若对方姓名可查,尽量使用姓名更显尊重。
    • A: I don’t know the addressee’s name. B: You can start with “Dear Sir/Madam” in a formal context.
  77. Be cautious when opening links from spam emails.
    • spam (noun) - 垃圾邮件,包含广告、钓鱼或无用信息的邮件。
    • 工作邮箱难免遇到垃圾邮件,需开启过滤或谨慎识别,避免安全隐患。
    • A: Why didn’t I see your email? B: Maybe it went to your spam folder by mistake.
  78. Don’t forget to run a spell check before sending important emails.
    • spell check (noun) - 拼写检查,利用软件功能校对文字拼写。
    • 现代邮件工具都有自动拼写检查,但仍需人工复核专业名词或特殊缩写。
    • A: Your email had a few spelling errors. B: I should’ve used spell check beforehand.
  79. Make the subject clear so recipients understand the email’s purpose.
    • subject (noun) - 主题,邮件标题栏,概括邮件主要内容。
    • 写好主题能吸引注意并便于检索,过于笼统易被忽略或进垃圾邮箱。
    • A: What subject should I use for the new project update? B: Try “Project Alpha Update – Phase 2.”
  80. A concise subject line boosts the chance of a quick response.
    • subject line (noun phrase) - 邮件主题行,与“subject”相同,但强调位置于邮件顶部标题。
    • 可尽量包含关键信息及紧迫度,如“Reminder: Q2 Budget Deadline – March 15”。
    • A: Why am I not getting replies? B: Maybe your subject line is too vague.
  81. Hi Team, please see the attached report for your review.
    • team (noun) - 团队或组员,在邮件中常用作群体称呼。
    • 在发送群邮时称呼为“Team”可带动整体合作气氛,但要留意使用对象确实是同组。
    • A: Who did you address the email to? B: I wrote “Hi Team” because everyone needs to read it.
  82. Use the sales template for consistent communication with clients.
    • template (noun) - 模板,预先设计好的邮件格式或内容。
    • 大公司多有统一格式,保证形象专业并减少重复工作,可根据场景修改细节。
    • A: I’m not sure how to format this. B: Check our email templates for a quick start.
  83. Thank you for your prompt reply; it really helped me meet the deadline.
    • thank you (phrase) - 感谢,用于表达对对方帮助或回复的感激之情。
    • 工作邮件中频繁使用的礼貌用语,能拉近与对方的距离,促进良好合作。
    • A: I appreciate you staying late to help. B: No problem, thank you for noticing.
  84. Thanks in advance for reviewing this document.
    • thanks in advance (phrase) - 预先感谢,对尚未完成的帮助或回复表示提前谢意。
    • 适用在请求事项时,加上一句‘thanks in advance’可以显得有礼貌,但不宜带有强迫感。
    • A: Can you check the figures by tomorrow? B: Sure. Thanks in advance for your time.
  85. Please refer to the email thread below to see all prior messages.
    • thread (noun) - 邮件链或对话串,指多封回复的连续记录。
    • 在往来邮件频繁时保留线程可更易回溯对话内容,无需反复复制旧信息。
    • A: Should I start a new email or continue the thread? B: Continue the thread so everyone can track history.
  86. This matter is urgent; please respond by the end of the day.
    • urgent (adjective) - 紧急的,表示需要第一时间处理或回复。
    • 在主题行或邮件开头标注“urgent”强调优先处理,但过度使用会削弱紧迫性。
    • A: Should I mark the email as urgent? B: Yes, we need an immediate reply.
  87. The urgency of this issue can’t be understated.
    • urgency (noun) - 紧迫性,用于形容邮件内容需快速行动。
    • 表达工作的重要度和必须即时响应的程度,与deadline或urgent并用更显强烈。
    • A: Why did you label it high priority? B: Because of the urgency; we can’t delay any further.
  88. Set up a vacation responder to inform colleagues while you’re away.
    • vacation responder (noun) - 假期自动回复,一种自动邮件,说明发件人处于休假状态。
    • 与out of office类似,用于假期通知,以免对方久等或误会,可以提供替代联系方式。
    • A: She’s not replying. B: Her vacation responder says she’ll be back next Monday.
  89. I always keep my work emails separate from personal ones.
    • work emails (noun) - 工作邮件,指在职场中使用的专业或日常邮件。
    • 与私人邮件区分,包含公司内外部往来,关注机密性与礼仪性。
    • A: Did you see the new policy on work emails? B: Yes, it’s important to follow the guidelines.
  90. Forwarded messages may contain older threads you need to review.
    • forwarded (adjective) - 被转发的,通常在邮件主题中以“Fwd:”显示。
    • 突出该邮件并非第一手创建,而是从他人手中转发过来,利于追溯对话背景。
    • A: Is this the original email? B: No, it's a forwarded one from my manager.
  91. I’ll let you know my availability for the conference call.
    • in availability (noun phrase) - 有空档或可用时段,用于协调会议或任务安排。
    • 常在会议或合作项目中使用。建议附上具体日期和时间段,以快速对齐。
    • A: Can we schedule something next week? B: Sure, email me your availability so we can match times.
  92. I’ve sent over a negotiation outline for the new contract terms.
    • negotiation (noun) - 谈判或协商,邮件中对合作、价格或条款进行讨论。
    • 涉及商务或合作条款时使用,需礼貌地提出条件与让步方案,体现专业和尊重。
    • A: Did you read the negotiation points I emailed? B: Yes, I think we can come to an agreement soon.

Lesson Summary

在工作环境中,电子邮件是不可或缺的沟通工具。通过本课程,你将系统学习101个与职场邮件相关的高频实用词汇和短语。它们涵盖了邮件主题行、正文、结尾、附件、抄送与密送、格式与语气等方方面面。你会学到如何使用“ASAP”、“FYI”、“urgent”或“follow-up”来表达紧迫度,如何恰当地在主题或正文中标明“deadline”与“action required”,也会了解到“cc”和“bcc”的区别、何时发送“reply all”,以及在何种场合需要保留礼貌的称呼与正式的签名。“gentle reminder”和“thanks in advance”这类表达能帮助你在催促或请求时依然保持礼貌。无论是与同事、上司还是客户沟通,都能通过课程中的示例句与对话示范,更准确地传达信息与态度。此外,你还将掌握在发送敏感内容或机密文件时的重要注意事项,以防止不当泄露或遗漏。希望你能善用这些词汇,让每一封邮件都既专业又高效,为你的职场人际互动与工作成果带来显著提升。
