To the best of one's ability.
To the best of one's ability.
「To the best of one's ability」呢個成語用來形容一個人盡其所能地做某件事情。喺香港這個競爭激烈嘅社會,不論是工作抑或學習,都經常要求每個人必須「to the best of one's ability」去完成任務。例如,一個學生可能需要盡全力準備考試以求取得好成績;一個職員則可能需要全力以赴完成一個業績目標。透過理解同實踐這個成語,可以幫助人們設定合理嘅目標同實現自己嘅最大潛能,同時也是一種個人承諾嘅體現,展現了對自己同他人嘅負責態度。
I'll try my best to the best of my ability.
She completed the task to the best of her ability.
Despite the challenges, he managed the project to the best of his ability and impressed everyone.