Get the show on the road.
Get the show on the road.
「Get the show on the road」直譯係「令表演在道路上進行」,但係喻意上就係指開始一個計劃或者行動。呢個成語喺形容要將計劃實行,開始行動嘅時候好常用。例如,一個團隊經過長時間嘅準備後,終於要開始執行佢哋嘅項目,就可以用「Get the show on the road」來形容佢哋正式開動。喺香港,無論係商業、教育抑或是娛樂行業,開始新計劃嘅時候都會用到,強調準備就緒後嘅行動啟動。
Let's get the show on the road!
After months of planning, it's time to get the show on the road.
The team was eager to get the show on the road and launch the new product.