Not have a clue.
短語「Not have a clue」常用來表示一個人對某事完全不了解或者找不到解決方法。想像你喺迷宮中迷失,周圍嘅一切都令你感到困惑,就好似生活中遇到一個難題但係搵唔到任何線索解決。喺日常對話中,當有人問你關於你唔熟悉嘅問題,你就可以說「I have no clue」來表達你嘅無奈同埋迷茫。
He tried to solve the puzzle but didn't have a clue how to proceed.
When asked about the details of the project, she admitted she did not have a clue.
During the meeting, it became clear he didn't have a clue about the company's financial status.