Not a dry eye in the house.
英語中「Not a dry eye in the house」呢句話用來形容一個情況咁激動或者感人,令到場內每個人都忍唔住哭。通常我哋會喺電影完結或者舞台劇嘅高潮部分聽到呢句話。想像吓,一個深情嘅故事或者一段感人嘅表演,觀眾被深深打動,無一例外都留下淚水。喺日常生活中,當你遇到非常感動嘅事件,都可以使用呢個短語來形容嗰一刻嘅氣氛。
During the emotional movie, there was not a dry eye in the house.
At the end of her touching speech, there was not a dry eye in the house.
When he finished his farewell performance, there was not a dry eye in the house; everyone was moved by his singing.