Stir the pot.
/stɜːr ðə pɒt/
Stir the pot.
/stɜːr ðə pɒt/
「Stir the pot」喺英文中嘅意思係故意搞事或者加劇現有嘅矛盾,好似係攪拌一鍋湯咁激起底下未攪合嘅東西。呢個成語可以用喺多種情景,特別係當一個人想引起爭議或者故意製造問題嗰陣。
He just loves to stir the pot in meetings by asking controversial questions.
Whenever she stirs the pot, the whole office ends up in a debate.
Always one to stir the pot, Tom can't help but bring up topics that he knows will provoke a strong response during family dinners.