Fight an uphill battle.
Fight an uphill battle.
「Fight an uphill battle」這句英語慣用語形容一個特別困難或者幾乎不可能成功嘅挑戰。想像一下自己要喺一個斜坡上同別人競爭跑步,你向上跑而對手向下跑,咁你自然喺劣勢。喺現實生活中,我哀哋你可能聽到有人用這熟語來形容工作中嘅一個艱難項目。例如,如果一個團隊要喺好短嘅時間內完成一個大型項目,團隊領袖可能會話:「We are fighting an uphill battle to get this project done on time.」透過學習這個熟語,我們可以更加準確地表達自己面對困難時嘅感受同埋情況。
Trying to reform the healthcare system feels like fighting an uphill battle.
Advocating for climate change in a skeptical community is an uphill battle.
Despite the difficulties, she continues to fight the uphill battle for women's rights.