From the get-go.
/frʌm ðə ˈɡɛtˌɡoʊ/
From the get-go.
/frʌm ðə ˈɡɛtˌɡoʊ/
成語「From the get-go」係指一件事情由最起初就開始。喺生活中,你可能會用到呢個成語去描述一個早就被設定好嘅計劃或者一個情況一開始就明朗。例如,如果你去參加一個工作坊,而其組織得非常好,你可能會話:「Everything was smooth from the get-go.」翻譯成廣東話就係「由一開始嘢就做得好順利。」透過呢個成語,我哋可以簡短而有效地表達一個計劃或活動一開始就設定得好好,而且後續亦非常成功嘅情況。學好呢類成語可以幫你更好地理解同表達生活中嘅不同情況,便於喺日常對話或書面語中使用,提升你嘅語言表達能力。
She knew from the get-go that it was going to be a challenging project.
John was interested in the idea from the get-go.
John 由一開始就對呢個主意有興趣。
From the get-go, he made it clear he wanted to take a different approach to the task.