「農場」的英語生字 ※ 農場之旅:體驗鄉村生活的樸實用詞 ※ 強效英語課堂

Farm Tour: Rustic Terms to Embrace Country Living: A peaceful scene of a classic wooden barn with green fields in the background, surrounded by farm animals and gentle sunlight.


Farm Tour: Rustic Terms to Embrace Country Living




Venturing into a countryside farm offers a welcome escape from hectic city life. Rolling pastures and rustic buildings transport you to a slower pace, where the scent of freshly tilled soil mixes with the gentle lowing of livestock. Take a tractor ride across farmland, and see vibrant orchards and vegetable plots thriving under the wide, open sky. If you visit during harvest season, you might gather eggs from the coop or pick ripe fruit straight from the branches. At the barn, farmers care for animals and prepare feed, working hand-in-hand with nature. Nothing compares to the wholesome charm of a farmhouse breakfast, complete with homemade jam and warm bread.As you wander, you’ll notice a bountiful array of produce that reflects the orchard’s dedication to sustainable methods. Shepherds might guide a small flock across the fields, and the earthy aroma of manure reminds you of the cycle of growth and renewal. Talking with locals reveals their pride in preserving traditional customs, from milking cows at dawn to storing grain for winter. Embrace the quiet simplicity of farm life, and you’ll leave inspired by a deep-rooted connection to the land—an experience both refreshing and humbling.



  1. Take a tractor ride across farmland, and see vibrant orchards thriving under the wide sky.
    • farmland (名詞) - 農地;耕地
    • agricultural land - 用於較正式或學術場合,強調作物或牧草種植的專業性質,也可指廣泛種植的區域。
    • fields - 一般用法,指開放的農地或草地區域,口語或日常描述皆可使用。
  2. At the barn, farmers care for animals and prepare feed, working hand-in-hand with nature.
    • barn (名詞) - 穀倉;牲畜棚
    • stable - 多用於圈養馬匹或其他家畜的建築,與 barn 功能類似但較專注馬匹用途。
    • shed - 較小型且多用途的棚屋,用於儲存器材或暫時容納動物,規模通常不如 barn。
  3. You’ll see vibrant orchards and vegetable plots thriving under the open sky.
    • orchard (名詞) - 果園
    • grove - 偏向成排種植的樹林或果樹區域,常用於描述橘子或橄欖樹等專門種植區。
    • fruit plantation - 更正式或大規模的果樹種植區,強調商業性和大量栽培。
  4. Rolling pastures and rustic buildings transport you to a slower pace of life.
    • pasture (名詞) - 牧場;放牧草地
    • grazing land - 較技術用語,強調動物(特別是牛羊)在此地吃草的功能性。
    • meadow - 指生長青草或野花的開放草地,但不一定專門用於放牧。
  5. If you visit during harvest season, you might gather eggs or pick ripe fruit.
    • harvest (名詞/動詞) - 收穫;收割
    • reap - 正式的說法,通常指大規模的收割,如穀物或農作物,帶有努力後成果的意味。
    • gathering - 偏向較口語,可在小規模採摘水果或蔬菜時使用,也涵蓋社交意味的田間活動。
  6. The gentle lowing of livestock mixes with the scent of freshly tilled soil.
    • livestock (名詞) - 家畜
    • farm animals - 涵蓋牛、羊、豬、雞等各種在農場飼養的動物,較通用且口語化。
    • cattle and poultry - 更具體地指牛群及家禽類,常用於統計或專業領域中。
  7. Take a tractor ride across farmland to explore the fields more efficiently.
    • tractor (名詞) - 拖拉機
    • farming vehicle - 廣義上可指適用於耕種或搬運作業的交通工具,範圍包含收割機等機械。
    • agricultural tractor - 專門強調該車輛在農業生產中的用途,可用於較正式或技術性文字中。
  8. You’ll notice a bountiful array of produce reflecting the orchard’s dedication.
    • bountiful (形容詞) - 富饒的;豐富的
    • abundant - 著重於數量或資源充足,可形容大量農產品、自然資源或人力物力等。
    • plentiful - 偏口語化,表示有足夠甚至過剩的東西,用於描述農產品、土地產出等。
  9. The farmhouse exudes a quaint charm, inviting visitors to slow down and relax.
    • quaint (形容詞) - 古雅的;別緻的
    • picturesque - 聚焦於外觀秀麗,如明信片般的美感,常用於描述鄉村建築或自然景觀。
    • old-fashioned - 帶有懷舊色彩,強調傳統或過去時代的氛圍,但不一定具藝術美感。
  10. The earthy aroma of manure reminds you of the cycle of growth and renewal.
    • manure (名詞) - 肥料;糞肥
    • compost - 較側重以自然分解或堆肥方式產生的有機肥料,用於循環再利用資源。
    • fertilizer - 通用詞,可包含化學肥料或有機肥料,範圍更廣泛。
  11. From milking cows at dawn to storing grain for winter, farmers carry on traditions long established.
    • milking (動名詞) - 擠奶
    • extracting milk - 較正式,指從奶牛或山羊身上取得乳汁的動作,可用於學術或農業文獻。
    • hand milking - 特別強調使用傳統手工方式來擠奶,與機器化擠奶相比更具人文氣息。
  12. Nothing compares to the wholesome charm of a farmhouse breakfast, complete with homemade jam.
    • farmhouse (名詞) - 農舍;農家
    • rural dwelling - 較正式用詞,著重該建築位於鄉村地區並用於長期居住的性質。
    • country home - 表達更休閒且具度假氛圍的農村房舍,帶點浪漫與放鬆意象。
  13. Shepherds might guide a small flock across the fields while you explore the farm.
    • shepherd (名詞) - 牧羊人;放牧者
    • herdsman - 廣義上指管理家畜的人,適用於牛群或其他牲畜的飼養者。
    • stockman - 英式常用,指從事牧場動物管理的人員,可能不只限於羊群。
  14. Farmers care for animals by preparing feed and maintaining their living areas.
    • feed (名詞/動詞) - 飼料;餵食
    • fodder - 多用於較書面或技術文獻,指家畜飼料特別是乾草或穀物等大量供應。
    • to feed - 更直接表示動作,如餵養動物或提供食物,也可用於人類情境。
  15. The scent of freshly tilled soil mixes with the gentle lowing of livestock.
    • soil (名詞) - 土壤
    • earth - 更口語化,常用於一般描述大地或環境,也可含有較具哲學或情感層次的暗示。
    • ground - 範圍廣,一般指地面或土地表層,也可用於說明農作生長的基礎層。


透過本課,你已掌握了多項和農場生活緊密相關的詞彙,例如 farmland、orchard、harvest、manure、milking、farmhouse 等,不僅能用於形容農田風貌,也能細緻呈現農耕作業與牧養情形。同時,我們也提供了多種替代用法,如 fodder 與 livestock 等,以避免重複用字並豐富你的描述層次。這些字彙不僅適用於考試寫作情境,更能在日常對話中展現你對鄉村文化與自然生態的認識與興趣。
