「麵包店」的英語生字 ※ 麵包店參觀:形容新鮮甜點的甜蜜用語 ※ 強效英語課堂

Bakery Visit: Sweet Words to Describe Fresh Treats: A cozy bakery display with colorful pastries and cakes, highlighting their inviting textures and toppings.


Bakery Visit: Sweet Words to Describe Fresh Treats




Stepping into a bakery can immediately lift your spirits. Warm aromas of butter and sugar fill the air, coaxing you toward trays lined with glistening pastries. Rows of golden bread, fresh out of the oven, sit side by side with delicate cakes topped with whipped cream. It’s hard to resist the temptation of tasting something flaky and sweet—especially when cheerful staff are ready to offer suggestions. Whether you’re sampling a freshly baked roll or indulging in a rich chocolate éclair, each bite becomes a tiny celebration of flavor.Beyond the display cases, the bakery buzzes with low chatter and clinking utensils as customers savor their treats on nearby tables. Flour-dusted bakers work diligently in the open kitchen, kneading dough and piping frosting with meticulous care. The atmosphere blends comforting nostalgia with fresh excitement, reminding visitors that there’s always something new to discover, from rustic sourdough loaves to fruit-filled danishes. Leaving with a bag of goodies feels like bringing a piece of warmth and sweetness home, a reminder of simple pleasures done perfectly.



  1. Warm aromas of butter and sugar fill the air, coaxing you toward trays lined with glistening pastries.
    • glistening (形容詞) - 閃閃發亮的
    • shimmering - 形容表面閃爍不定的光芒或亮度,適用於蛋糕上糖霜或糖粉帶出的細微閃亮。
    • sparkling - 比 shimmer 更為亮眼,常用於強調光線在表面反射較明顯的閃耀感。
  2. Rows of golden bread, fresh out of the oven, sit side by side with delicate cakes topped with whipped cream.
    • delicate (形容詞) - 細緻易碎的;精緻的
    • fine-textured - 強調質地非常細緻平滑,特別適用於形容蛋糕或某些巧克力甜點的口感。
    • fragile - 側重其易碎的特性,提醒在搬運或品嘗時須加倍小心。
  3. It’s hard to resist the temptation of tasting something flaky and sweet.
    • flaky (形容詞) - 酥脆分層的
    • crumbly - 指出在口中或手中易碎裂成小塊的質地,多用於餅乾、派皮或某些酥皮甜點。
    • crispy - 雖也表現酥脆,但強調咬下去會有更明顯的聲響,適用於餅乾或炸物。
  4. Whether you’re sampling a freshly baked roll or indulging in a rich chocolate éclair, each bite becomes a tiny celebration of flavor.
    • rich (形容詞) - 濃郁的;醇厚的
    • decadent - 凸顯口感或風味極其濃郁、奢華,常用於形容巧克力或奶油類甜點。
    • luscious - 著重醇厚、柔滑的口感,帶有極佳的味覺享受,可應用於蛋糕、慕斯類型。
  5. Whether you’re sampling a freshly baked roll or indulging in a rich chocolate éclair, each bite becomes a tiny celebration of flavor.
    • indulge (動詞) - 盡情享用;放縱享受
    • treat oneself - 表示某人因喜愛或辛苦後給自己一個獎勵,常用於美食或購物場合。
    • pamper - 用於強調對自己或他人極度關照,含有奢侈和享樂意味,適用於 spa、旅遊等場合。
  6. Flour-dusted bakers work diligently, kneading dough and piping frosting with meticulous care.
    • meticulous (形容詞) - 一絲不苟的;非常仔細的
    • painstaking - 強調需要大量時間或勞力的專心作業,適用於製作過程或精細手工部分。
    • scrupulous - 帶有更強的道德或責任意味,顯示在執行時非常嚴謹不放過任何細節。
  7. The atmosphere blends comforting nostalgia with fresh excitement.
    • nostalgia (名詞) - 懷舊感;鄉愁
    • warm reminiscence - 側重回想過去的溫馨感受,常用於描述氣味或場景勾起童年回憶時的美好氛圍。
    • longing for the past - 更直接地指對以往時光的嚮往,可搭配一些場景或物件來營造強烈的思鄉情緒。
  8. There’s always something new to discover, from rustic sourdough loaves to fruit-filled danishes.
    • rustic (形容詞) - 鄉村風格的;樸實無華的
    • homestyle - 著重家庭式或樸素的手工感,常用於形容簡單卻溫暖人心的烘焙風格。
    • countryside-inspired - 適用於更強調源自於鄉村文化或傳統手法烘焙出的風味或外觀。
  9. You might also find savory items like quiches or stuffed buns among the sweet pastries.
    • savory (形容詞) - 鹹香的;美味的
    • umami-filled - 強調富含鮮味,常用於描述和甜食相對的口感,如鹹派、肉類或醬料類。
    • delectable (salty) - delectable 本意是美味,此處可再加上 (salty) 以突出該食物的鹹味特色。
  10. Delicate cakes topped with whipped cream are particularly irresistible for those with a sweet tooth.
    • whipped cream (名詞短語) - 鮮奶油
    • lightly whipped topping - 更具體指出打發後的蓬鬆狀態,適用於形容蛋糕或甜點表面那層柔滑奶油。
    • airy cream - 強調其綿密與空氣感,帶給人入口即化的輕盈口感。
  11. It’s hard to resist the temptation of tasting something flaky and sweet.
    • temptation (名詞) - 誘惑
    • allure - 帶有吸引人心、難以抗拒的感覺,常用於形容食物、時尚或景點的魅力。
    • lure - 著重於被某種吸引力所勾住,也能用於探討負面或更強烈的誘惑。
  12. Flour-dusted bakers work diligently in the open kitchen, kneading dough and piping frosting with meticulous care.
    • knead (動詞) - 揉捏(麵糰)
    • work the dough - 較口語化,著重於將麵糰按壓、摺疊並反覆動作,以取得理想的筋度與口感。
    • massage the dough - 形象化地將麵糰當作需悉心柔和處理的對象,適用於形容更溫和的揉法。
  13. Some bakeries specialize in wholesome, fiber-rich bread for health-conscious customers.
    • wholesome (形容詞) - 健康的;有益身心的
    • healthful - 強調有助於身體健康、營養均衡,常用於宣傳高纖維、低糖或天然成分的食品。
    • nutritious - 一般描述富含營養且對身體有益,多用於講解食物的營養成分或價值。


課程中,你已學會形容烘焙品外觀、口感與製作過程的字彙,如 glistening、delicate、flaky、rich 等,並透過像 knead、indulge 這類動詞,強化對整體烘焙情境的敘述力。也提供了 savory、rustic 與 wholesome 等形容詞,協助你將麵包店裡的多樣選擇與氣氛詮釋得更全面。熟悉並靈活運用這些詞彙,你將更能精準地描寫從視覺到味覺的豐富層次,並在考試或日常交流中,自信表達對烘焙世界的喜愛。
