「巴士」的英語生字 ※ 公車旅程:輕鬆掌握公車交通常用字彙 ※ 強效英語課堂

Bus Journey: Handy Words to Navigate Public Transit: A cover image showing a colorful city bus, passengers boarding, and a clear sign indicating the bus route.


Bus Journey: Handy Words to Navigate Public Transit




Navigating a city by bus can be a rewarding experience if you know a few key terms and strategies. Before you board, check the schedule to see if the next departure aligns with your plans. Prepare the correct fare or travel card so you can swipe and head straight to your seat. During peak hours, buses can be crowded, so be considerate of standees by moving toward the back if space allows.If you need to transfer to another route, pay attention to local signs and announcements. Some buses have a conductor who can assist with questions about valid tickets or the best stop for particular landmarks. If the driver announces a detour, it usually means a change in the usual path—listen closely for where to get off.In certain areas, you may find priority seats for pregnant passengers, the elderly, or those with disabilities. If the bus is full, it’s polite to offer your seat to someone who needs it more. For longer commutes, consider keeping a small book or music on hand to make the journey more pleasant. And don’t worry—if you miss your stop, simply ask fellow passengers or the driver for help; they’re often happy to suggest the next best option.By understanding bus etiquette and planning carefully, you can navigate public transit more confidently. Each ride becomes an opportunity to observe new places, interact with locals, and arrive at your destination with minimal stress. Enjoy exploring the city, one bus trip at a time.



  1. For longer commutes, consider keeping a small book or music on hand to make the journey more pleasant.
    • commute (動詞) - 通勤
    • travel to work - 此片語直接強調「前往工作地點」的過程,較口語化,但意義明確,適用於日常對話中。
    • journey - 以 journey 作名詞時可泛指任何出行,也可在文學、正式語境中使用,如在描寫路程或人生旅程時都相當合適。
  2. If you need to transfer to another route, pay attention to local signs and announcements.
    • route (名詞) - 路線
    • path - 較常用於一般路徑或方向的敘述,也可用於抽象概念(如人生路徑),在口語或書面都適合。
    • line - 常用於形容大眾運輸系統中的特定路線,如地鐵線或公車線,能更明確對應交通編號。
  3. Prepare the correct fare or travel card so you can swipe and head straight to your seat.
    • fare (名詞) - 車費
    • ticket cost - 用於描述票價或乘車費用,較口語化,適合不過度正式的場合,但意涵簡單易懂。
    • tariff - 此字原指關稅或費率,在某些地區的交通系統也可能使用,感覺較正式或行政化。
  4. Before you board, check the schedule to see if the next departure aligns with your plans.
    • schedule (名詞) - 時刻表;行程表
    • timetable - 在英式英文中常見,強調精準的時間規畫,包括車次、課程或計畫表,較正式但普遍使用。
    • agenda - 多用於會議或活動安排,著重於事項的先後順序,若想表現正式感或結構感則可用此字。
  5. If you need to transfer to another route, pay attention to local signs and announcements.
    • transfer (動詞) - 轉乘
    • change buses - 更貼近日常口語描述轉乘過程,清楚傳遞要下車換另一台公車的行為。
    • switch lines - 廣用於不同交通系統,如地鐵、公車或火車線,可靈活適用於任何路線之間的切換。
  6. During peak hours, buses can be crowded, so be considerate of standees by moving toward the back if space allows.
    • crowded (形容詞) - 擁擠的
    • packed - 更口語的用法,帶有滿滿無縫可擠的感覺,強調空間非常狹小、人數眾多。
    • jammed - 同樣表示人或物非常密集,帶有一絲強烈的壓迫感,口語與網路用語都蠻常見。
  7. During peak hours, buses can be crowded, so be considerate of standees by moving toward the back if space allows.
    • standee (名詞) - 站立乘客
    • passenger who stands - 更直白描述站著的乘客,口語上易懂,適用於不熟悉 standee 的場合。
    • standing passenger - 同樣著重指示站著搭車的人,適用於一般描述,可避免使用較生僻的詞彙。
  8. Some buses have a conductor who can assist with questions about valid tickets or the best stop for particular landmarks.
    • valid (形容詞) - 有效的
    • in effect - 著重在規則或條件仍舊適用中,常用於口語,表示某票券或政策等仍可使用。
    • legitimate - 帶有法律或正式層面的意涵,若要描述符合法規或規範則可使用此字。
  9. Before you board, check the schedule to see if the next departure aligns with your plans.
    • board (動詞) - 上車
    • get on - 常用且口語化,用於描述上車的動作,包括公車、火車或飛機皆適用。
    • embark - 正式文體用字,多用於船、飛機、火車等大型交通工具上;帶有展開旅程的感覺。
  10. Prepare the correct fare or travel card so you can swipe and head straight to your seat.
    • swipe (動詞) - 感應刷卡
    • tap - 在 NFC 或電子支付中常見,意指將卡片或裝置輕觸感應器,操作簡易且口語自然。
    • scan - 較常用於需要條碼或 QR 碼的情境,強調通過儀器進行掃描以辨識資訊。
  11. In certain areas, you may find priority seats for pregnant passengers, the elderly, or those with disabilities.
    • priority seat (名詞片語) - 博愛座;優先席
    • reserved seat - 常用於列車或巴士上經過特殊標示的座位,表示特定群體或乘客需優先使用。
    • designated seat - 更正式,強調明確標定對象或用途,常見於公共設施之中特別預留給特殊需求者的座位。
  12. If the driver announces a detour, it usually means a change in the usual path—listen closely for where to get off.
    • detour (名詞) - 繞道;改道
    • reroute - 強調更改原本計畫的路徑,多用於交通或物流上,比 detour 更帶有規劃感。
    • bypass - 在名詞或動詞形式上均表示避開某區域或道路,常見於工程或都市規劃領域。
  13. Some buses have a conductor who can assist with questions about valid tickets or the best stop for particular landmarks.
    • landmark (名詞) - 地標
    • monument - 多指具歷史意義或紀念性的建築物或雕塑,通常帶有文化象徵意義。
    • point of interest - 較廣義,可指任何地點或景點引起注意與參觀,不侷限於高知名度或官方定義。
  14. Some buses have a conductor who can assist with questions about valid tickets or the best stop for particular landmarks.
    • conductor (名詞) - 售票員;車掌
    • bus attendant - 常用於較一般的描述,著重在協助乘客、解答疑問或維持車內秩序等功能。
    • ticket inspector - 著重在檢查票務部分,若想強調其主要職責為檢票與確保乘客持有有效車票,可使用此字。
  15. During peak hours, buses can be crowded, so be considerate of standees by moving toward the back if space allows.
    • peak hours (名詞片語) - 尖峰時段
    • rush hour - 更常見的英文表達,尤其用於通勤時間的繁忙時段,口語書面皆可靈活運用。
    • busy period - 較通用的說法,可用於任何人流或工作量大的時段,語感較無特定交通情境限制。


在此課程中,你接觸到多個公車相關的常用單字,如 fare、route、transfer、board、detour 等,每個字都提供了實際句子示範與替代用法。熟悉這些詞彙後,你將更能應付日常交通情況,如查詢時刻表或詢問車費,也能在考試寫作時清楚描述公車旅程的經驗。結合同義詞與片語的運用,能使你的文章用字更豐富,並幫助你流暢地表達想法。透過不斷練習與累積,你將在面對公車通勤或旅遊等情境時,展示更高的溝通熟練度與自信。
