此課程以「通勤」為切入點,強調日常生活中常見的字彙及表達方式。請同學留意課程文章與範例句子,並嘗試在練習時運用各個關鍵字詞,為書面考試做好準備。Every weekday morning, countless individuals begin their day with a busy commute. Some rush to catch a packed train, while others navigate through traffic in hopes of avoiding delays. Although the journey can feel stressful, maintaining a solid schedule helps you predict when to leave home and arrive on time. If you encounter unexpected roadwork or a sudden train breakdown, try to remain calm and flexible. Such experiences might seem inconvenient, but they also offer small moments to recharge—perhaps by reading a book or listening to music. Furthermore, learning to appreciate the brief sights around you can make the trip more meaningful. In the end, a well-managed morning commute sets a positive tone for the rest of the day, encouraging productivity and a brighter outlook.While it’s easy to get caught up in the rush, taking a moment to check for alternative routes or adjusting your departure can ease the burden. Even if the ride is packed, considerate behavior and preparedness can create a more pleasant atmosphere for everyone. By focusing on these small changes, your morning travels can evolve from stressful challenges into opportunities for growth and engagement.
- Every weekday morning, countless individuals begin their day with a busy commute.
- commute (名詞) - 通勤;上下班往返
- daily travel - 「daily travel」屬於較一般的說法,用於表達日常往返的路程,口語和書面都適用。
- commuting routine - 「commuting routine」強調固定且重複的通勤模式,在描述每天或每週反覆的上下班行程時相當適合。
- Some rush to catch a packed train...
- rush (動詞) - 匆忙;趕時間
- hurry - 「hurry」在日常對話中常用,適合形容快速的行動,能搭配副詞如“quickly”或“immediately”強調急迫感。
- dash - 「dash」帶有突然並高速移動的涵義,富有動感,可用於口語或寫作中添加生動性。
- Some rush to catch a packed train...
- packed (形容詞) - 擁擠的;擠滿人的
- crowded - 「crowded」用於形容空間內充滿人的狀態,為日常用語並適用於大多數情況。
- jammed - 「jammed」語氣稍微口語化,指完全塞滿、沒有空間,經常用於交通狀況或活動場合。
- while others navigate through traffic...
- navigate (動詞) - 導航;應付(複雜狀況)
- maneuver - 「maneuver」帶有小心調度或駕馭的含義,常用於強調技巧性或策略性地通過困境。
- find your way - 「find your way」較為口語,強調在陌生或複雜環境中探索路線或解決問題的過程。
- ...in hopes of avoiding delays.
- delays (名詞) - 延誤;耽擱
- hold-ups - 「hold-ups」較口語化,用於形容因交通、機械故障等造成的拖延情況,也可用於非正式寫作或對話。
- postponements - 「postponements」著重在計劃或事件被延後的意義,通常用於較正式的文件或溝通中。
- Although the journey can feel stressful...
- stressful (形容詞) - 壓力大的;令人緊張的
- tense - 「tense」強調因焦慮或緊張情緒而形成的緊繃氛圍,常用於形容對話或氣氛。
- nerve-racking - 「nerve-racking」屬於較口語且具加強語氣,形容讓人極度緊張或焦慮的狀態,常用於非正式情境。
- maintaining a solid schedule helps you predict when to leave home...
- schedule (名詞) - 行程表;時間計劃
- timetable - 「timetable」常用於學校或公共交通的規劃時間表,屬於較正式或書面化的用語。
- plan - 「plan」範圍廣泛,適用於任何需要先行安排或分配時間的狀況,日常對話與正式場合皆可使用。
- maintaining a solid schedule helps you predict when to leave home...
- predict (動詞) - 預測;預估
- forecast - 「forecast」通常用於天氣、經濟等方面的預報或預測,帶有專業、正式的語氣。
- anticipate - 「anticipate」強調事先預料情況,並常帶有準備動作或對未來事件的期待。
- If you encounter unexpected roadwork...
- encounter (動詞) - 遇到;遭遇
- come across - 「come across」具口語化色彩,強調偶然遇到或看見事物,在日常對話中常見。
- run into - 「run into」也帶有碰上的含義,常用於指突然遇到人或情況,語氣較活潑。
- ...but they also offer small moments to recharge...
- recharge (動詞) - 恢復精力;重新充電
- revitalize - 「revitalize」較正式,強調從疲倦或低迷狀態中重新振作,適用於工作報告或正式溝通。
- refresh - 「refresh」語氣輕鬆,表示補充能量或使頭腦清醒,可搭配「mind」「body」等字使用。
- learning to appreciate the brief sights around you can make the trip more meaningful.
- appreciate (動詞) - 欣賞;感激
- value - 「value」側重於珍視某事物的重要性,多用於表達對人或事物的敬重或感恩。
- cherish - 「cherish」帶有珍愛與重視的情感,通常用於較深層的感情表達或親密關係。