「休息」的英語生字 ※ 午休時刻:激發話題的活力字彙 ※ 強效英語課堂

Lunch Break: Invigorating Words to Spark Chats: A cheerful lunchtime scene showing people chatting around a table, enjoying colorful meals and beverages.


Lunch Break: Invigorating Words to Spark Chats




Lunch breaks can be more than just a quick meal; they are opportunities to invigorate your mind and spark engaging conversations. Whether you spend this break with classmates or colleagues, a few well-chosen words can make each chat more meaningful. Instead of viewing lunch as a routine pause, think of it as a moment to bond with others over shared interests. You could relax by discussing a new hobby, a recent movie, or even share a tasty snack. Selecting a topic that everyone appreciates can refresh your spirit and help you discover ideas or experiences you never encountered before.During a lunch break, try to inquire about something interesting, like a holiday plan or a unique dish someone has tried. By doing so, you engage others and cultivate stronger connections through mutual understanding. Even a quick nibble on a different cuisine can open up a world of conversation about diverse cultures. If you feel hesitant, remember that you have options—perhaps ask open-ended questions or talk about an intriguing news story. Staying curious and supportive sets a positive tone for everyone.Overall, a lunch break is a hidden chance to learn, explore, and connect. By treating it as a small yet valuable window of time, you can transform an ordinary pause into a moment of discovery. Remember, sharing a meal goes beyond satisfying hunger; it nurtures relationships, fosters new ideas, and brings out a sense of community within your daily routine.



  1. They are opportunities to invigorate your mind and spark engaging conversations.
    • invigorate (動詞) - 使充滿活力、提振精神
    • energize - energize 表示為他人或自己注入能量或激情,常用於鼓舞或使人感到活力四射的情況。適用於鼓勵團隊、朋友或在對話中帶來積極氛圍時使用。
    • revitalize - revitalize 帶有使某事物或人恢復生氣、恢復原有狀態的意涵,多用在討論組織、經濟或身心狀況。若你要強調重獲新生或重振精神,revitalize 會更貼切。
  2. They are opportunities to invigorate your mind and spark engaging conversations.
    • spark (動詞) - 引發、激起
    • ignite - ignite 帶有點燃或啟動熱情的意思,多用於引發強烈的興趣或情感。若你想強調激起深層情感或熱潮時,ignite 是很生動的選擇。
    • trigger - trigger 偏向某件事情或行動引發隨後的反應或事件。若你想表達的是因某項因素而導致特定效果或回應的概念,trigger 會更為精準。
  3. Instead of viewing lunch as a routine pause, think of it as a moment to bond with others over shared interests.
    • bond (動詞) - 聯繫、聯結
    • connect - connect 表示與某人或事物建立聯繫,語氣相對一般且廣泛。當你想強調人與人之間或概念與概念之間的互通性時,connect 很適用。
    • unite - unite 偏向聚集或融合在一起,通常用於更大範圍或多人之間。若你想強調共同目標或團結精神,unite 會使語氣更凝聚。
  4. You could relax by discussing a new hobby, a recent movie, or even share a tasty snack.
    • relax (動詞) - 放鬆、休息
    • unwind - unwind 較口語化,用來表示透過輕鬆的活動來紓解壓力。若你想強調工作或學習後慢慢放鬆身心,可使用 unwind,帶有「慢慢解開壓力」的意思。
    • chill out - chill out 更非正式,常見於口語,表示「好好放鬆、別緊張」。如果你跟朋友輕鬆對談或在網路聊天時,chill out 會更貼近日常口吻。
  5. Selecting a topic that everyone appreciates can refresh your spirit...
    • topic (名詞) - 主題、話題
    • subject - subject 可用於更正式或學術場合,指特定討論或研究的領域。若你想強調一門學科或嚴謹的研究範疇,subject 會更貼切。
    • theme - theme 通常指一個主要概念或中心思想,用於較廣泛或創意性的場合,如藝術、文章或活動的主軸。若你想表達更抽象或全面的概念,可選擇 theme。
  6. ...a topic that everyone appreciates can refresh your spirit and help you discover ideas...
    • refresh (動詞) - 使恢復活力、提振精神
    • revive - revive 帶有使某事物重生或恢復生命力的含義,多用於更深層或已失去活力的狀態。如果你想強調從疲憊或暫停狀態重新振作,可用 revive。
    • rejuvenate - rejuvenate 較偏向使人或事物重新感到年輕或充滿朝氣,帶有恢復年輕活力的意涵。常用於形容人因休息或保養而重新煥發生機。
  7. ...help you discover ideas or experiences you never encountered before.
    • encounter (動詞) - 遇見、遭遇
    • come across - come across 比 encounter 更口語化,用於表示偶然發現或碰見某人或事物。若要傳達日常生活中無意間的相遇,come across 會更自然。
    • run into - run into 與 come across 相似,但常用於「不期而遇某人」的情境,也可表達遭遇到問題。若你想著重於一種偶然且突然的碰面感,可用 run into。
  8. Try to inquire about something interesting, like a holiday plan or a unique dish someone has tried.
    • inquire (動詞) - 詢問、打聽
    • ask - ask 是最常見且基礎的詢問用法,適用於任何情境。若想用簡單直接的方式表達「問某個問題」,ask 就是首選。
    • query - query 偏正式,常用於書面或學術環境中,指對資訊或狀況提出質疑或詢問更深入的細節。適合在較正式場合或專業討論時使用。
  9. By doing so, you engage others and cultivate stronger connections...
    • engage (動詞) - 吸引、使投入
    • involve - involve 強調把他人或事物包含或牽涉進某個活動、計劃或討論裡。若你想突出「包含在其中」的概念,involve 更適用。
    • participate - participate 偏向主動參與某個活動或事件。若你想強調自己或他人有意願且積極地加入討論或行動,participate 十分恰當。
  10. Even a quick nibble on a different cuisine can open up a world of conversation...
    • nibble (動詞) - 小口地吃、啃食
    • snack on - snack on 用於日常生活情境,表示隨意地吃些小東西。若你想強調這只是輕食或零食,snack on 是較為輕鬆的選擇。
    • munch - munch 帶有咀嚼聲音及過程的意象,常出現在描述有人大口地咀嚼時。若你想加入一點生動或擬聲感,munch 會讓文字更有畫面。
  11. If you feel hesitant, remember that you have options...
    • option (名詞) - 選擇、可供選擇的事物
    • choice - choice 與 option 意思相似,但更常用於一般或口語場合。若你想直接表達自己可以在幾個候選方案之間做決定,choice 較為直接易懂。
    • alternative - alternative 帶有「不同於傳統或常規的選擇」之意。若你想強調提供不同於平常的解決方式或可能性,alternative 會更精準。


在這堂課中,我們運用了多種日常卻富含表達力的英語字彙,如 invigorate(提振精神)、spark(引發)以及 nibble(小口地吃)等,讓午休時間不再只是單純的用餐瞬間。這些詞彙能為輕鬆的對話注入更多活力,並在討論話題時凸顯出你的英語運用能力。同時,我們也提供了各種近義詞與詞性,幫助你更靈活地轉換用字,像是將 relax(放鬆)轉化為 unwind 或 chill out,以營造不同的語感。透過課程練習與情境應用,你能在短暫的午休裡與同儕或同事增進感情、交流想法,並在使用這些活力十足的字彙時加深印象。持續運用與熟悉,將使你的英語對話更豐富、更自信。
