「醫院」的英語生字 ※ 醫院探視:給予安心感的英語用詞 ※ 強效英語課堂

Hospital Visit: Reassuring Words to Offer Comfort: A calm hospital corridor with soft lighting, showing a reassuring nurse offering support to a patient.


Hospital Visit: Reassuring Words to Offer Comfort




Walking into a hospital can be overwhelming. Sterile hallways, busy staff, and medical equipment create a setting that often raises anxiety—especially for patients and their visitors. However, a few reassuring words can go a long way in bringing comfort. Simple gestures like asking how someone feels or reminding them they’re not alone can ease tension. If you’re sitting in a waiting area, a gentle smile or a calm tone of voice can make the environment seem less intimidating. By offering empathetic encouragement, you create a supportive atmosphere that helps patients focus on recovery and healing.During a hospital visit, it’s helpful to remain patient and understanding toward busy healthcare providers. Show appreciation for their efforts by offering thanks when they answer questions or give updates on a loved one’s condition. Even brief moments of kindness—like offering to bring water or adjusting a blanket—help lighten the emotional weight many feel in this setting. Whether you’re there to see a family member, friend, or colleague, remember that genuine compassion can transform a stressful experience into a meaningful display of solidarity. In a place where health is the priority, comforting words and thoughtful actions can become a powerful source of strength.



  1. A few reassuring words can go a long way in bringing comfort to patients.
    • reassure (動詞(香港繁體中文:動詞)) - 安撫;使安心
    • console - 帶有安慰悲痛或焦慮的意思,多用於情緒較沈重的情況,強調言語或肢體上的撫慰。
    • soothe - 偏向減輕不適或痛苦的行為,也可用在身體層面,如緩解疼痛或不舒服的情況。
  2. Walking into a hospital can be overwhelming.
    • overwhelming (形容詞(香港繁體中文:形容詞)) - 令人不知所措的;壓倒性的
    • daunting - 更著重讓人產生畏懼或望而卻步的感覺,多用於形容挑戰或困難度高的任務。
    • intimidating - 突出令人感到壓力或威嚇的氛圍,常用於面對較陌生或嚴肅的情境。
  3. Medical equipment and busy staff create a setting that often raises anxiety for visitors.
    • anxiety (名詞(香港繁體中文:名詞)) - 焦慮;不安
    • unease - 情感層面比較輕微的焦躁不安,通常為暫時性的心神不寧。
    • apprehension - 較正式,帶有對未來或即將面臨的事情抱持疑慮或擔憂的含義。
  4. By offering empathetic encouragement, you create a supportive atmosphere.
    • empathy (名詞(香港繁體中文:名詞)) - 同理心;設身處地的體會
    • compassion - 帶有對他人處境的關懷及憐憫,常用於表達深層次的關心或憐憫。
    • understanding - 較普遍用詞,表示對人或事物有透徹且包容的認知,常用於日常對話。
  5. By offering empathetic encouragement, you create a supportive atmosphere.
    • encouragement (名詞(香港繁體中文:名詞)) - 鼓勵;支持
    • moral support - 偏向在情感或信念上的支援,強調心理上的力量給予。
    • uplift - 帶有讓人振奮或重新振作的意味,可能包含言語、行動或心靈層面的支持。
  6. Show appreciation for busy healthcare providers by thanking them for their efforts.
    • appreciation (名詞(香港繁體中文:名詞)) - 感激;欣賞
    • gratitude - 較正式用詞,指對他人關愛或幫助的強烈感謝之情,多用於較莊重場合。
    • thankfulness - 口語化的感謝或感恩,多用於日常表達或向他人傳遞善意。
  7. A few reassuring words can bring comfort during a hospital stay.
    • comfort (名詞(香港繁體中文:名詞)/動詞(香港繁體中文:動詞)) - 安慰;撫慰
    • solace - 文學或正式場合常見,強調在困境或痛苦中的心靈安慰或支柱。
    • ease one’s mind - 強調透過行為或言語來緩解別人的憂慮,較口語化的說法。
  8. Offering to bring water or adjusting a blanket can help lighten the emotional weight many feel.
    • adjust (動詞(香港繁體中文:動詞)) - 調整;適應
    • fine-tune - 帶有更微調或更精準的意思,適用於在細節上做小幅度修正。
    • adapt - 著重個人或組織因環境變化而做的調整,尤其適用於較長期或系統性改變。
  9. Genuine compassion can transform a stressful experience into a meaningful display of solidarity.
    • compassion (名詞(香港繁體中文:名詞)) - 同情;憐憫
    • mercy - 較多用於宗教或法律層面,表示對他人仁慈寬恕或饒恕的情懷。
    • kindheartedness - 著重於人品性格上的善良和溫暖,常用於形容持續且真誠的善舉。
  10. Compassion transforms a stressful experience into a meaningful display of solidarity.
    • solidarity (名詞(香港繁體中文:名詞)) - 團結;一致
    • unity - 更普遍的用詞,涵蓋人群或組織在共同目標下的團結狀態。
    • camaraderie - 帶有友誼及信任的氛圍,多見於共同經歷或目標下產生的同袍之情。


完成本課後,你已掌握多個能於醫院探視情境中派上用場的關鍵詞彙與短語,包括 reassure、empathy、encouragement、comfort 等,並熟悉其多種替換用法。透過練習適時運用這些詞彙與同義詞,你能在考試作文或日常探病對話裡展現更豐富的情感表達,也能為病人與其家屬帶去更多安慰與溫暖,進而促進彼此間的理解與支持。
