「花園」的英語生字 ※ 花園時光:為自然愛好者所準備的盛放形容詞 ※ 強效英語課堂

Garden Time: Blooming Adjectives for Nature Lovers: A bright illustration of a small flowering garden with vibrant blossoms and greenery, highlighting descriptive words floating around in the air.


Garden Time: Blooming Adjectives for Nature Lovers




Step into a tranquil garden where sunlight filters through lush leaves, and vibrant blooms decorate every corner. A gentle breeze carries the fragrant scent of blossoms, inviting you to explore winding pathways adorned with delicate petals. The picturesque setting feels almost whimsical, as if each flower and leaf were carefully placed to create a harmonious haven. Whether you choose to admire miniature succulents or marvel at the bountiful arrangement of ornamental shrubs, the calm atmosphere soothes away your daily worries.As you wander deeper, you discover a serene pond bordered by sun-kissed lily pads, their surfaces shimmering in the gentle glow. Verdant vines drape over a rustic arbor, adding a tang of mysterious charm to the scenery. Nature’s rhythms feel especially alive here, with pollinators fluttering among flourishing blooms, showcasing the garden’s constant renewal. Even tangled roots seem picturesque, weaving stories of growth and resilience in the soil.Take a moment to pause on a wooden bench and appreciate the thoughtful design that seamlessly merges vibrant colors and shapes. From pastel roses to exotic orchids, every corner holds a new delight. This outdoor sanctuary inspires gratitude for nature’s boundless creativity, revealing beauty in both grand displays and subtle details. Upon departing, you carry with you the refreshing sense of balance and joy that a simple stroll through a blooming garden can bring.



  1. Step into a tranquil garden where sunlight filters through lush leaves.
    • tranquil (形容詞) - 寧靜的
    • serene - 可用於描述環境或心境的絕對平靜與安詳,適用於更正式或文學性的場景,強調一種深度的靜謐。
    • peaceful - 更常見且口語化的用法,適用於描寫任何環境或情境都可以舒緩人心,帶給人平和。
  2. Step into a tranquil garden where sunlight filters through lush leaves.
    • lush (形容詞) - 茂盛的;翠綠的
    • verdant - 強調一片充滿生命力且呈現深綠色的情境,多用於形容植物或自然景觀的青翠欲滴,帶有文學感。
    • flourishing - 著重於生命力旺盛或發展蓬勃的狀態,不僅可用於描述植物,也可用於形容社群、經濟等多方面的繁盛。
  3. A gentle breeze carries the fragrant scent of blossoms, inviting you to explore winding pathways adorned with delicate petals, creating a vibrant scene.
    • vibrant (形容詞) - 鮮豔生動的;充滿活力的
    • lively - 可用於形容顏色、場所或氣氛富有朝氣與生氣勃勃,更偏向口語或日常生活的敘述方式。
    • dynamic - 著重強調運動或改變的特質,不只限於色彩,也可描述活動、人物或情境的充沛動能。
  4. A gentle breeze carries the fragrant scent of blossoms, inviting you to explore winding pathways.
    • fragrant (形容詞) - 芳香的;香氣撲鼻的
    • aromatic - 通常形容香氣濃郁、具有特殊香味的事物,如花卉、香草或食品。適用於較文學或正式的場合。
    • sweet-scented - 較形象化的形容,用於突顯香味中所帶的甜美感,令人聯想到柔和、甜蜜的氣息。
  5. The picturesque setting feels almost whimsical, as if each flower and leaf were carefully placed to create a harmonious haven adorned with delicate petals.
    • delicate (形容詞) - 精緻的;細緻易碎的
    • fine - 偏向形容質地或作工極為細緻優雅,也可用於稱讚某物品質或特色帶有精緻格調。
    • fragile - 強調容易損壞、脆弱的特質,適用於形容物件、系統或情感狀態。若要表達脆弱度,可用此詞。
  6. The picturesque setting feels almost whimsical, as if each flower and leaf were carefully placed.
    • picturesque (形容詞) - 如畫的;美景般的
    • scenic - 著重於風景方面的美麗與吸引力,多用於戶外或旅遊景觀的描述。文體較一般且通用。
    • photogenic - 偏向形容拍照時能呈現漂亮或上鏡效果,不僅限於風景,也可形容人物適合入鏡。
  7. The picturesque setting feels almost whimsical, as if each flower and leaf were carefully placed to create a harmonious haven.
    • whimsical (形容詞) - 充滿奇思異想的;異想天開的
    • fantastical - 帶有超乎現實的幻想色彩,多用於形容童話場景或想像力豐富的作品、氛圍。
    • quirky - 突顯有趣、怪誕或風格獨特的面向,常用於形容裝飾、個性或設計方面的怪趣味或創新感。
  8. The picturesque setting feels almost whimsical, as if each flower and leaf were carefully placed to create a harmonious haven.
    • harmonious (形容詞) - 和諧的;協調的
    • balanced - 著重於各元素之間維持均衡、對稱或協調。常見於表達設計、飲食、生活方式等多面向的平衡性。
    • unified - 強調所有部分如同一體,有整合且一致的感覺,適用於描述團隊、計畫或整體美感的協調。
  9. Whether you choose to admire miniature succulents or marvel at the bountiful arrangement of ornamental shrubs, the calm atmosphere soothes away your daily worries.
    • miniature (形容詞) - 微型的;小巧的
    • tiny - 直接表達極小的尺寸,常用於日常生活,強調視覺或實際體積上的微小程度。
    • pocket-sized - 具體形容物件可放入口袋的大小,用於形容便攜性與實際應用的便利性,多具口語感。
  10. Whether you choose to admire miniature succulents or marvel at the bountiful arrangement of ornamental shrubs, the calm atmosphere soothes away your daily worries.
    • bountiful (形容詞) - 豐富的;充裕的
    • abundant - 著重於數量或資源極為充足,多用於形容自然、物質或抽象概念的豐富度。
    • plentiful - 可用於較輕鬆、口語化的場合,表達足夠甚至過剩的狀態,展現量的豐富。
  11. Whether you choose to admire miniature succulents or marvel at the bountiful arrangement of ornamental shrubs, the calm atmosphere soothes away your daily worries.
    • ornamental (形容詞) - 裝飾性的;觀賞用的
    • decorative - 強調用於裝飾或點綴的作用,適用於形容家居擺設、藝術品以及景觀布置等物品或場景。
    • adorned - 雖常見於被動語態,如 “be adorned with”,表示用於美化或裝飾某物,偏文學書寫風格。
  12. As you wander deeper, you discover a serene pond bordered by sun-kissed lily pads.
    • serene (形容詞) - 靜謐的;安詳的
    • placid - 著重於水面或人的情緒平靜無波,可以形容湖泊、河流,或強調個性平和的狀態。
    • calm - 一般用於描述無風無浪或情緒穩定,適用範圍極廣,口語與書面都常見。
  13. As you wander deeper, you discover a serene pond bordered by sun-kissed lily pads, their surfaces shimmering in the gentle glow.
    • sun-kissed (形容詞) - 被陽光照耀的;曬出健康光澤的
    • brightly lit - 注重環境或物體被光線充足照亮,適用於描述室內與戶外皆可,但較少帶有浪漫或健康之意涵。
    • golden-hued - 著重陽光下散發金黃色調的美感,常用於形容日落或溫暖色調的陽光效果,富文學色彩。
  14. Verdant vines drape over a rustic arbor, adding a tang of mysterious charm to the scenery.
    • verdant (形容詞) - 草木繁茂的;翠綠的
    • green - 最基本的形容詞,強調顏色本身。用於一般敘述,沒有文學或詩意的色彩。
    • leafy - 常用於形容長滿葉片或綠意盎然的樹林、花園、街道等,語氣較口語化,帶有豐富綠意的感覺。
  15. Even tangled roots seem picturesque, weaving stories of growth and resilience in the soil.
    • tangled (形容詞) - 糾結的;纏繞在一起的
    • entwined - 側重相互交織、彼此纏繞的狀態,可用於形容植物、線條或抽象的關係(如命運相繫)。
    • knotted - 強調像打結一樣的纏結,適用於形容繩子、頭髮、樹根等物理或情感上的糾纏狀況。
  16. Nature’s rhythms feel especially alive here, with pollinators fluttering among flourishing blooms, showcasing the garden’s constant renewal.
    • flourishing (形容詞) - 繁茂的;蓬勃發展的
    • thriving - 著重於快速成長或健康茁壯的狀態,多用於形容植物、事業或生態系統的積極發展。
    • prosperous - 更多用於形容經濟或社會環境的繁榮興盛,也可在文學上描述生長茂密的情境。


透過本課,你已掌握多個關於花園情境的精準形容詞,包括 tranquil、lush、vibrant、fragrant 等,並學習了與其對應或近義的替代字彙。這些詞能替你的英文寫作增添層次,從細節處展現大自然之美,不論是花朵的香氣、葉片的濃綠,抑或景色的寧靜與氣派,皆能更生動地表達出來。結合同義詞與不同用法,你可在文章中避免重複單字,同時增強描寫的深度與趣味性。熟練應用後,你將能在考試或日常情境中,成功地以文字帶領讀者進入一座想像中的花園,感受自然界的多樣風貌與魅力。
