[Idiom] STEAL THE LIMELIGHT. - How to Become the Center of Attention Unexpectedly

Steal the limelight.

Steal the limelight.

to take attention from others

The idiom 'steal the limelight' paints a theatrical picture. Originating in the 19th century, 'limelight' refers to a type of stage lighting used in theaters. When someone 'steals the limelight,' they unexpectedly grab the spotlight, diverting attention away from others, often overshadowing them. It's as if they step into a beam of light meant for someone else, capturing all eyes and focus. This can happen in various settings, from a co-worker outshining others in a crucial meeting to a guest at a wedding who ends up getting more attention than the bride and groom.

Example Sentences

  1. She always manages to steal the limelight.

    She always manages to attract all the attention.

  2. His performance stole the limelight last night.

    His performance was the highlight and drew all the attention.

  3. Anyone who tries to steal the limelight won’t be popular.

    Anyone who tries to attract all the attention won’t be well-liked.

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