[Idiom] RUB ELBOWS WITH. - Boost Your Social Skills: Learn the Art of Networking

Rub elbows with.

Rub elbows with.

/rʌb ˈɛlboʊz wɪð/

To mingle or network with important people.

The idiom "rub elbows with" refers to the act of socializing, mingling, or networking with people, particularly those who are influential or high-status. It suggests a level of informality and physical closeness, evoking a scene where people are in such proximity that their elbows might touch. This idiom is often used to describe situations where interacting with the right people can lead to opportunities or advantages, emphasizing the importance of building a strong professional or social network.

Example Sentences

  1. At the gala, I had the chance to rub elbows with some influential people.

    At the gala, I had the chance to interact with some influential people.

  2. Rubbing elbows with celebrities at the event was an exciting experience.

    Interacting with celebrities at the event was exciting.

  3. He's known to rub elbows with politicians and media moguls.

    He's known to interact with politicians and media moguls.

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