[Idiom] HIT A SNAG. - Understanding Setbacks Through Common Expressions

Hit a snag.

Hit a snag.

Encounter an unexpected obstacle.

'Hit a snag' is a vivid metaphor drawing from the image of a sudden, sharp obstacle catching hold, much like a fisherman's hook snagging on underwater debris. This idiom is frequently used to describe encountering a sudden difficulty that prevents smooth progress in a project or plan, emphasizing the frustration and unexpected nature of such hurdles.

Example Sentences

  1. We hit a snag with the project deadline.

    We encountered an unexpected problem with the project deadline.

  2. She hit a snag while trying to fix the computer issue.

    She faced an unexpected issue while trying to fix the computer.

  3. The renovation hit a snag due to unexpected structural damage.

    The renovation faced an unexpected delay due to unforeseen structural damage.

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