[Idiom] PULL STRINGS. - How to Leverage Connections for Better Opportunities!

Pull strings.

Pull strings.

/pʊl strɪŋz/

Use influence to gain an advantage.

To "Pull strings" means to use one’s influence or connections to obtain a favor or advantage that otherwise might not be possible. This idiom suggests the act of subtly manipulating controls behind the scenes, much like a puppeteer pulling on strings to control a puppet. Understanding this phrase is crucial for anyone looking to navigate complex social or professional landscapes, as it encapsulates the power of connections and influence in achieving goals.

Example Sentences

  1. He can pull strings to get you a job.

    He has the connections needed to secure a job for you.

  2. She pulled strings to secure the venue.

    She used her influence to obtain the desired venue.

  3. I didn't know he had the influence to pull strings like that at the company.

    He had enough influence at the company to affect decisions or actions.

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