[Idiom] GET FOOT IN THE DOOR. - Unlocking Opportunities: How to Make Your First Successful Step

Get foot in the door.

Get foot in the door.

/ɡɛt fʊt ɪn ðə dɔːr/

Gain an initial opportunity.

The phrase "get your foot in the door" signifies gaining an initial opportunity that could lead to bigger things. It is commonly used when someone manages to obtain a position or opening, often in a competitive field or situation, which might lead to more significant opportunities later. This idiom is particularly useful for job seekers or those looking to advance in their careers, as it highlights the importance of perseverance and seizing every opportunity, no matter how small it might seem.

Example Sentences

  1. He managed to get his foot in the door with that prestigious company.

    This means he has achieved an initial opportunity at a prestigious organization, potentially leading to further advancement.

  2. Once you get your foot in the door, the opportunities can be endless.

    It implies that initiating a small start in a company can open up greater and more expansive career opportunities.

  3. Getting your foot in the door at such an early stage can significantly affect your career trajectory.

    Securing an initial position or opportunity can significantly influence one's job prospects.

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