[Idiom] ON THE BALL. - Stay Ahead: Boost Your Alertness and Effectiveness!

On the ball.

On the ball.

/ɒn ðə bɔːl/

Alert and capable.

Someone who is "On the ball" is alert, competent, and quick to understand or react to situations. Originating from sports, where players must keep their eyes on the ball to play effectively, this idiom now refers to anyone who is sharp and manages their duties with skill and promptness. In the workplace, being on the ball is crucial for success and career advancement, as it reflects a person’s ability to handle responsibilities with efficiency and foresight.

Example Sentences

  1. She's really on the ball with her studies.

    She is very attentive and diligent in her studies.

  2. Our team is on the ball today.

    The team is performing competently and effectively today.

  3. You need to stay on the ball if you want to succeed in this fast-paced environment.

    Success in a fast-paced setting requires maintaining alertness and focus.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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