Quick on the draw.
reacting very quickly
Imagine you're in the Wild West, where gunslingers are ready to draw their pistols at any hint of danger. Now, translate that fast reaction to everyday life, and you've got the essence of the idiom 'quick on the draw.' It doesn't involve guns nowadays but refers to someone who is exceptionally reactive and swift to respond in any situation. Whether it's answering a question before anyone else, coming up with a witty reply, or simply being the first to help out, being 'quick on the draw' can be quite the advantage in personal and professional settings.
Example Sentences
You're always quick on the draw with your responses.
You're always very quick with your responses.
He's known to be quick on the draw in meetings.
He's known for giving quick responses in meetings.
Being quick on the draw can be both a strength and a weakness.
Being able to respond quickly can be both advantageous and disadvantageous.