[Idiom] PUT NOSE OUT OF JOINT. - How to Manage and Understand Social Offenses

Put nose out of joint.

Put nose out of joint.

/pʊt noʊz aʊt ʌv ʤɔɪnt/

To offend or upset someone.

Put nose out of joint" is an idiom used to describe the act of upsetting or offending someone. Historically, this phrase may have originated from the literal dislocation of a nose, implying a painful or discomforting situation. Today, it is more metaphorically used to indicate someone feeling slighted or insulted. This idiom is particularly useful in understanding social dynamics and the subtle nuances of causing or resolving interpersonal conflicts.

Example Sentences

  1. He put my nose out of joint by ignoring my advice.

    He offended me by disregarding my advice.

  2. Sarah's nose was put out of joint when she wasn't invited to the party.

    Sarah felt upset and left out because she did not receive an invitation to the party.

  3. Tom really put everyone's nose out of joint by arriving late and disrupting the meeting.

    Tom's late arrival upset everyone and disrupted the flow of the meeting.

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