[Idiom] IN A NUTSHELL. - How to Summarize Effectively in English

In a nutshell.

In a nutshell.

/ɪn ə ˈnʌtʃɛl/

Summing up briefly.

In a nutshell" refers to giving a very brief and clear explanation or summary of something. It implies condensing a lot of information into a few essential details, much like fitting a large nut into a small shell.

Example Sentences

  1. Explaining quantum mechanics in a nutshell is quite a feat.

    Simplifying such a complex topic like quantum mechanics into a brief explanation is an impressive achievement.

  2. She summarized the movie's plot in a nutshell.

    She gave a brief and clear summary of what the movie is about.

  3. In a nutshell, our strategy focuses on digital transformation to boost sales.

    Our main business plan is to enhance sales through increased focus on digital processes and tools.

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