[Idiom] WRAP YOUR HEAD AROUND IT. - Unlocking Complex Concepts With Ease

Wrap your head around it.

Wrap your head around it.

/ræp jʊər hɛd əˈraʊnd ɪt/

Understand something complicated.

Wrap your head around it" is a vivid figurative expression used to describe the process of understanding something complex or difficult. This idiom invites the listener to imagine the mind as something flexible that can be wrapped around a concept to fully grasp it. It's often used when someone is struggling to understand an intricate idea or situation and needs to spend time contemplating it.

Example Sentences

  1. Try to wrap your head around it; it's not that complicated.

    Wrap your head around it.

  2. Can you wrap your head around this concept?

    Encourages someone to try to understand something because it's not overly complex.

  3. I need a moment to wrap my head around it before making any decisions.

    Asking if someone is able to understand or comprehend a particular concept.

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