Wrap your head around it.
/ræp jʊər hɛd əˈraʊnd ɪt/
Wrap your head around it.
/ræp jʊər hɛd əˈraʊnd ɪt/
「Wrap your head around it」是一個表達理解某個復雜概念或情況的英文俚語,意思是設法充分理解並掌握它。這個俚語常用在學習或工作的上下文中,尤其是面對新的或複雜的信息時。例如,當一個學生正在努力理解高等數學的概念時,他的老師可能會鼓勵他「wrap your head around it」。這表示需要時間和努力去全面理解這個問題。使用這個表達可以鼓勵人們面對難題時不要放棄,而是努力理解和克服。
Try to wrap your head around it; it's not that complicated.
Can you wrap your head around this concept?
I need a moment to wrap my head around it before making any decisions.