[Idiom] PULL THE OTHER ONE. - Explore How To Express Skepticism In English

Pull the other one.

Pull the other one.

I don't believe you

'Pull the other one' is a cheeky and playful idiom used in British and American English to express skepticism or doubt about the truthfulness of what someone is saying. It's typically used in a humorous context and often followed by 'it's got bells on,' to add to the sarcasm. Imagine a friend tells you they won the lottery a second time. You might laugh and say, 'Pull the other a one, it's got bells on!' This phrase lets you convey disbelief while keeping the mood light and jocular.

Example Sentences

  1. Pull the other one; I don't believe a word you're saying.

    I don't believe what you're saying; tell me another joke.

  2. He's always joking; you have to tell him to pull the other one.

    He’s always joking, so you have to tell him to be serious.

  3. When told about it, she just said, 'pull the other one'.

    Upon hearing about it, she responded with disbelief.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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