[Idiom] TURN THE CORNER. - Mastering Language: Learn How to Describe Turning Points

Turn the corner.

Turn the corner.

To pass a critical point of recovery.

When someone or something turns the corner, it means they have passed a critical turning point, particularly in recovery from a bad situation or illness. It conveys a sense of improvement, where things start to look better after a period of difficulty. This phrase is commonly applied both to personal health and to situations like business downturns or economic crises.

Example Sentences

  1. My project was really challenging, but I think we finally turned the corner.

    My project was very difficult, but I think we made significant progress.

  2. After months of slow progress, the team turned the corner.

    After slow progress for months, the team finally advanced significantly.

  3. Sales were down for a while, but we turned the corner after our new marketing strategy.

    Sales were low for a while, but they improved significantly after our new marketing strategy.

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