[Idiom] FACE THE MUSIC. - How to Bravely Confront Consequences and Grow

Face the music.

Face the music.

/feɪs ðə ˈmjuːzɪk/

To confront the consequences of one's actions.

Face the music" is a powerful idiom that means to confront the consequences of one's actions. It often involves accepting responsibility for past mistakes or misdeeds and dealing with the resultant fallout. This idiom encourages honesty and accountability, traits that are essential for personal and professional growth. By facing the music, individuals learn to take responsibility, thereby earning respect and trust from others.

Example Sentences

  1. It's time to face the music and accept responsibility.

    It is time to accept the consequences and take responsibility.

  2. He decided to face the music and tell the truth.

    He chose to be honest and accept whatever repercussions come with that honesty.

  3. After making a mistake, she knew she had to face the music and explain what happened to her team.

    She realized she must own up to her mistake and explain it to her team.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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