[Phrasal Verb] CARRY ON - Discover Tips on Perseverance and Continuing Efforts

Carry on

Carry on

/ˈkɛri ɒn/

To continue doing something.

Carry on" means to continue or proceed with the same action or task. For example, despite difficulties in a project, a team leader might encourage the team to "carry on" with their tasks to achieve the goals set at the beginning.

Example Sentences

  1. They've decided to carry on with the project despite the setbacks.

    Despite challenges, the decision was made to continue with the project.

  2. Just carry on with your work; I'll handle the rest.

    Continue with your responsibilities; I’ll manage other issues.

  3. No matter what happens, you need to carry on and stay focused.

    It’s important to maintain focus and persevere regardless of obstacles.

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