[Phrasal Verb] LEAD ON - Enhance Your Communication Skills: Expressing Misleading Actions

Lead on

Lead on

/liːd ɒn/

Mislead or deceive

Lead on" involves misleading or deceiving someone, making them think something that's not true. It often has a negative connotation, as no one likes being deceived. For instance, if someone pretends to be interested in your ideas just to get your cooperation, they are leading you on.

Example Sentences

  1. She didn’t mean to lead him on about the job prospects.

    She didn’t mean to mislead him about the job prospects.

  2. Be honest and don’t lead her on if you aren't interested.

    Be honest and don’t deceive her if you aren't interested.

  3. He felt betrayed when he realized she was just leading him on.

    He felt betrayed when he realized she was just misleading him.

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