[Phrasal Verb] BAIL OUT - Increase Your English Skills: Saving the Situation

Bail out

Bail out

Provide financial help.

The term "bail out" is often thrown around in financial contexts, particularly meaning to assist financially to prevent a downfall. It isn't just limited to economics; you could "bail out" a friend in need of urgent personal support. The essence of "bailing out" someone revolves around providing the necessary help to pull them through a difficult situation, be it rescuing a business from bankruptcy or a friend in a tight spot.

Example Sentences

  1. He needed money to bail out of jail.

    bail out means to provide financial assistance or to escape a situation

  2. The government decided to bail out the banks.

    the government provided financial support to the banks

  3. They had to bail out of the failing venture.

    they exited the failing business venture

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