A Bold Memorial Challenging Foreign Worship
I, your servant, submit this statement:
I have heard that under Heaven, a state depends on its altars of soil and grain, and the people rely on their ruler.
Thus, when the granaries are full, the people live in peace, and when punishments and governance do not slacken, treachery is rooted out.
Now, when the Son of Heaven prays to Heaven and Earth, the harvests abound, and when he reverently sacrifices at the ancestral temples, the forefathers receive their offerings.
Therefore, the suburban and ancestral rites must not be abandoned, and the state altars must be revered.
Now I hear that Your Majesty intends to welcome the Buddha’s bone relic from Fengxiang. In my foolish opinion, this must not be done.
Why so? The Buddha is but the teaching of a foreign land. It imprisons the essence of Heaven and Earth and veils the radiance of the sun and moon, regarding this as an infinite and wondrous Way—yet it is nothing but hollow absurdity, not suitable for our Central Kingdom.
From the Qi and Liang dynasties onward, China has greatly promoted this faith. Monks have spread throughout the land, abandoning father and wife, cutting off human relations, refusing to engage in productive work, and draining the imperial storehouses to provide for their tents and prayers. They are also granted tax revenues to supply their clothing and food.
When they chant ceaselessly, they prostrate themselves until their heads bleed. Because the ignorant masses are numerous, the strength of the nation gradually declines.
Moreover, I have heard that since ancient times, true sages did not allow improper rites to subvert proper rites.
Why would Your Majesty alone choose to promote this heretical religion?
I, your servant, though but slightly learned in the writings of our ancient kings, am certain that the ancestral codes are still intact.
Confucian scholars teach the Way, follow Heavenly principles, and fulfill human relationships.
Yet the Buddha’s teaching is entirely outlandish and does not accord with the Way of our former kings; truly, it leads to delusion.
I humbly beg Your Majesty to recognize its root cause and acknowledge its great harm; thus, the sacred regalia of empire must not be casually shifted, and the altars of the state cannot be lightly cast aside.
Though I lack talent, I dare to offer my foolish loyalty at risk of death, humbly beseeching Your Majesty’s wise judgment.
If Your Majesty insists on welcoming it, then I request to take my own life before Heaven, as an apology to the ancestral temples, and then die once I have spoken.
With trembling dread, I offer this most sincere memorial.
In this historic essay (often referred to as a ‘memorial’) by the Tang dynasty scholar-official Han Yu, the author warns the Emperor against embracing the relic of the Buddha’s bone, which was being ceremoniously welcomed into the imperial domain. Han Yu’s central argument is that this foreign religion (Buddhism) and its symbols undermine traditional Confucian values and weaken the state by draining its resources and leading citizens away from socially productive roles.
From a Confucian standpoint, Han Yu insists that one must uphold the rites that honor ancestors and the state altars, fundamental pillars of Chinese governance and society. In his view, Buddhism—being an imported ‘barbarian’ teaching—saps the vitality of the nation and distracts both rulers and commoners from their Confucian obligations. By highlighting that the Emperor must act as a protector of the indigenous tradition, he positions Buddhism’s rise as a threat to political stability. Despite the rhetorical force of his memorial and its moral clarity, this bold stance put Han Yu at great personal risk, underscoring his unwavering commitment to Confucian orthodoxy.
The memorial’s influence stretches far beyond the Tang dynasty. It exemplifies the Confucian impulse to place the welfare of the state and the preservation of traditional values above any foreign or unorthodox practice. Readers today may appreciate how Han Yu’s sincerity and moral conviction exemplify the archetype of the upright scholar who dares to speak truth to power, even at the risk of severe punishment. Indeed, this text became a hallmark of literary excellence and a reflection of Confucian orthodoxy, continually studied and invoked in later centuries as a model for ethical governance and loyalty.